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Abdullah's Pov

"Abdullah where is the love?" She asked again

"Sweetheart, wallah I love you, I have always controlled my anger, and I beat Bintu because I don't want her to grow into a talkative that will one day lead to disrespect, I got angry today and beat her today because I felt all what I've been doing is not good enough, what I've always try to avoid happened today, that's why I got angry I am sorry babe" I said sadly, I really love my wife

"You didn't talk about the rules! Wait, you said you've been beating Bintu just because you don't want her to grow up disrespecting you? Ohh wow best daddy of the century! Congrats dear, you have really disciplined your daughter well and you deserve a reward" she said clapping her hands, acting strange

"Babe I thought adding rules to our marriage life will make us understand our partners more, besides our marriage worked fine because of that" I said

"Our marriage worked fine because I endured! Its disgusting how you talk like that, I have always keep quiet because my religion teach to always endure but I know i what I am doing now is the best! You don't want us to meet an elderly person to help us solve our problem then we have to solve it ourselves!"

"Yes, that's why I'm apologizing, i am sorry for everything i must have caused you and our daughter, I am sorry" I said

"There won't be any stupid rule, you won't beat me or my daughter ever again, my daughter will be allowed to talk freely and play freely!" She said

Okay this is bullshit! Just because I am controlling my self now and trying to make peace does not in any way give her the right to say rubbish

"What do you mean by no rules, no discipline?! I'm apologizing because i love you if not I won't be here wasting my time! I agreed that I was wrong and I apologized, why are you now acting like you're doing me a favor? Telling me what to do? You must be kidding me right now!" I said getting angry, its like this woman don't want to continue staying in my house! Since I've apologized are we not supposed to continue our life normally?! Why won't I discipline my daughter? So that when she grows up and start disrespecting people, they will point a finger at me and say 'this is her father' so that people won't smile after knowing I'm her father but instead hiss or speak bad of me? Never will I allow that!

"You will never change" she said sadly

"Its either you come let's go and meet your parents or my parents or you divorce me! I can't stay in this type of marriage anymore! I want to give my daughter a good life" she continued

"I am not going to downgrade myself! I won't go and meet anybody to teach me how to live my marriage life like I'm a small boy" I said angrily

"Then divorce me, free me and my daughter from this stress, please" she said quietly, sadness written all over her face, waiting to hear my reply, hoping to hear a positive thing from me, but that won't happen

She need to go out and see how other women are suffering to find husband, how hard I've tried, and appreciate me

"Zeenat, I divorce you, go and learn how to treat and respect your husband and come back" I said, I could see how disappointed she was even though it was dark already, she tried to stay strong but her legs failed her, she fell down crying, I know its hard to believe it, we love each other but I have to let her go for a while, until she comes back begging me I won't bring her back to my house, I promise!

Kings and Queens🤗🤗 how are you doing?🤗🤗
I don't know how this divorce stuff is but anyhow sha😂 don't forget to vote and comment please❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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