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Third person's POV

Its exactly ten years since when Abdullah married Zeenat, endurance.....endurance is what is keeping their marriage from breaking, Zeenat had tried all her best to see that she doesn't give birth to another baby again and it worked

Today is the day Bintu is graduating from primary school, Mr and Mrs Abdullah tried their best in making it a great day for their daughter, 9-year-old Bintu is still as stubborn and talkative as before, but she hardly stay with her dad, she's always with her Mom that sometimes she look her daddy as the third person in their life, she wish he would just go and leave her and her mom to live their life, she loves her dad no doubt but living with him under the same roof is uncomfortable to her, she endured all her Dad's beatings and quarrels

She still remembers how her father had beat her Mom twice, the first one was when her father came back from work angry, she mistakenly poured water on one of his photocopied paper, and he got angry and beat her with his belt pouring his anger on her, her mother couldn't take it anymore and tried to stop him, he diverted his anger to the poor woman and beat her until she was rushed to the hospital

The second time he beat her was one Friday when she didn't cook for him because she went out

Zeenat always tell her daughter that her father is not wicked he's doing what he is doing for her sake


The graduation was over and they went home, after eating and changing Abdullah decided to spoil that moment by asking his daughter for her result, he always check her results but this time around she thought he wouldn't check

Her grades were not that bad but she failed a subject, her father got angry and scold her but this time around she replied him

"You can't even get a better result, is this what I taught you? You're such a disgrace! Your mom was very brilliant back then in school and she still is, she aced all her results same goes to me!! Why did you failed a whole subject, tests, assignments and exam! You failed all!!" Her father scolded

"Daddy with all due respect I can't take these insults anymore! I've always learned my books the hard way, you're always complaining about everything I do!....." She said crying as her mom stopped her before she would say more

"Bintu are you mad?!! You are talking to your father like you're mates? Bintu you are just nine years and you think you are now big to talk back at your father?!...." Her mom said crying too, this is the first time her daughter talked back at her father or any elder

"Mummy, I've tried enough! I'm nine years old but daddy have trained me like a twenty years old lady!! Beatings! Scolding! Quarreling! Insults! Like I'm not your daughter!!! For God sake daddy I just failed a subject, not all subjects, I wouldn't have failed if you'd put me through! Please daddy, today is supposed to be the happiest day because I am through with primary school I can finally go to boarding and live my life!" She said

She was surprised she could speak up to her parents like that, where did that courage comes from? She asked herself

"Wallah Bintu I am going to kill you today!!" Her father said angrily as he pounced on her, he was very angry, he kept on beating her and her mother tried to stop him, he pushed her off

"Abdullah you will kill her! I know she is wrong but please sorry" she said crying hard, she was pulling his hand, trying to stop him from killing her daughter

"How dare she? You are always doing what I like and avoiding what I dislike, and that is why we are living peacefully, why can't she do the same?! She is just too stubborn and needs to be fixed!!" He said angrily, he didn't stop beating her, his wife didn't stop pulling his hands and Bintu was already seeing stars, Bintu fainted and that was when the mother finally used her last strength to push her husband, he fell down, surprised that his wife really pushed him, she rushed Bintu to hospital, she was admitted immediately! She prayed silently for her daughter to recover

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