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Zeenat's Pov

'I can't let my daughter die like this she is my only child'  i said out loud crying, what will happen to me if I should loose my daughter, I can't believe Abdullah wanted to kill our only child

"Ma'am the doctor would like to see you in his office now" an average woman in her 30s said, she must be the receptionist, I thought

"Thank you" I went to his office, this is our hospital, I gave birth to Bintu in this hospital and now I am about to loose her here

"Good day Mrs Abdullah, I am surprised you're here again with Bintu" the doctor said, well this is not our first time in this hospital, the hospital had turned to our usual place

"Doctor, Abdullah will never change, he keeps on beating her" I said crying

"Please stop crying, your daughter is fine" he said, I felt relieved immediately he said that and wiped my tears

".....don't you think your daughter is too small for all these? Don't you think you need to let your parents know?" He continued

"Doctor, you know my mom is staying in our kano, don't think i can travel from kaduna to kano in one day and return that same day, and i can't spend the night there because of my husband and his mom have moved to their village too, I don't know what to do" I said sadly, if only I can tell my parents over phone but I don't think I will be able to explain everything to them, they won't understand

"This is sad! The last time I talked to your husband I thought he'd change....anyways take this and give it to the pharmacist..." He said giving me a small paper "...they will give you these drugs and tell you how much you will pay"

"Thank you doctor" I said leaving his office

  Bintu really surprised me today, I know her to be a talkative but never to be a disrespectful child, she's fed up by her father's behavior, I know, sadly i can't do nothing

I entered and check her before going to the pharmacist, one thing I like about Abdullah is he always give me my monthly allowances, so I always have money on me

I payed for the drugs, bought food out because I didn't want to see his face, what would have happened to me if he had killed my only child, the thought of that gave me goosebumps

I ate my plate of food and dropped the remaining one, I prayed there and lay on the mat until Bintu woke up

"Mummy" she said faintly

"Baby, how are you doing? Should i call the doctor? How do you feel? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Do you want to use the bathroom?" I asked rushing my questions

"Mummy I'm fine" she said smiling

"Thank God! Baby, daddy is sorry for what he did okay? And don't talk back at him ever again okay? We love yo...." I was saying when she cut me off

"Mummy please! I don't want to hear anything about that man, I love him but he hates me! Mummy since when I came to this world daddy makes sure he beats me like I'm unwanted, he abandoned me like I'm a trash or something! Mummy sometimes I think you don't love me that's why you're always allowing dad to beat me as he wish, I am your daughter for God sake!! I don't deserve all this!" She said crying

I was speechless, what will I tell my daughter? Am I a wicked mother? Is this my fault? I've i always been wrong by keeping quiet? Should I involve our parents as our doctor advised? I love my husband and he loves me too, I don't want anything to come between us but is that not selfishness? I am killing my daughter because of my husband, because of love, I am a selfish mother and a foolish wife!

I turned to look at my daughter, my beautiful daughter, she was lost in thoughts, her face was up and tears were streaming down her eyes, her eyes....her eyes held no brightness, it was dull, red and swollen, from the way her face was you could tell that she had cried all her life, guilt....guilt was eating me up, I am guilty! I didn't give my daughter the best life she deserved, I bought her to world just to suffer her, what will the world think of me? What will people think of me? What will my daughter think of me?

I can't continue like this, i have to make things right! I can't deny my daughter her happiness because of love, because i think its my rightful duty to respect my husband, because I am following what my religion says, because I don't want people to laugh at me or see me as a weak wife that can't keep her marriage, my religion teaches me to respect my husband and also to stop our partners from doing the wrong thing! I am going to involve our parents into this and my husband must learn to control his anger and forget about any nonsense rule!!!

Phewww! Writing is not easy, lol😂 don't forget to vote and comment, thank you🤗🤗❤

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