Chapter Two

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Blue's POV:

Seven months. Seven months since my dad left. He hasn't contacted us: me and Mom. He only calls Beau on his phone. Mom works full time at the hospital now. Beau hates me. Disgust and loathing rolls off in waves from him. Not only is he homophobic, but he sees me responsible for Dad leaving. He's right. I should've just kept my damn mouth shut. But I thought for once Dad would understand. He's always favored Beau though. I knew he loved me in a way, but his eyes never glowed when looking at me. His eyes only shined for Beau and used to for Mom. I could never compete with Beau's perfection. Dad's pride and joy. A perfect son. I wasn't supposed to be born. A mistake. Accidental pregnancy. I'm not the baby girl they wanted. They couldn't have any more children after me due to an emergency hysterectomy my mom had seconds after I was born.

Beau and I are complete opposites.

I'm withdrawn with a love for singing and writing. My hair is a golden shade and sweeps across my face. I have the most girly facial shape ever.

I have violet eyes unfortunately. People now say I'm the fag with the freak purple eyes. I stand at 5'11 thankfully, but I'm lean. I only do dance. I focus mainly on school.

Beau is outgoing, charming, and friendly, or he used to be. People immediately gravitate to him. Chocolate brown waves frame his sea foam green eyes. His height measures 6'3. Those features are strongly prominent. He's way more built than me. Bullies never bothered me because he threatened them. Now I'm completely alone.

Funny to think we had a close bond. Despite our conflicting personalities, we were inseparable.

Mom and Dad were edging towards divorce, but never did, avoiding changing my and Beau's lives. I don't think Dad wanted to even try repairing their marriage. He just escaped by keeping his affair going. I guess I did that by myself, cutting the unspoken lone thread between them. I don't sing or write anymore like I used to. I don't deserve to. I've destroyed our lives. Beau changed, staying out all night, and he speaks harshly to Mom. He doesn't even acknowledge my existence nor does he protect me anymore. The bullies torment me every day relentlessly. I have no friends. I used to sit with Beau and his friends, but they booted me out. I now sit in a bathroom trying to stay invisible. When Michael Torres punches me, everybody merely stares or snickers. When they drag me to the locker room, Beau presses his lips and turns away. That's what hurts more than punches. I'd take a hundred punches than my brother hating me. Losing Dad was hard enough, but I managed to lose both. I'd give anything to take it all back. But I have a feeling Beau knows he's what he's doing to me.

It's too late now. I royally fucked up.

"Oh oo whoaaa oh oo whoaaa, be my baby. I'll look after you."

How ironic that those words will never be said to me. A pain ping erupts in my heart.

The song of my iHome fills the air. I open my eyes slowly. Just let me not wake up again.

I click the clock off, sitting up.

My room's special to me. The walls are painted soft silvers. Navy coats the ceiling. Galaxy painted dots and swirls blend in. Glow-in-the-dark white tiny stickers cover from side to side. Beau helped me for hours. My demeanor dims more.

Trophy shelves hold academic and dancing awards. My singing and writing are two things I don't I'll ever be brave enough to share. The rest stay bare. My laptop and school supplies sit on the wooden desk. Books and picture frames rest in the black book case.

I fling the red blanket, swinging my feet to the cherry wood floor. Time for another shitty day.

Mom left for work at four AM. She works way too hard. I bite my lip in regret. Damn sensitivity and screwing up habits. I sigh, heading towards the bathroom. Beau's door is locked closed. He makes sure I've already left before emerging. I rise earlier than before now. It's the least I can do.

I take a quick shower, running through the morning routine. Grabbing my lunch, I quickly exit the door.


At school~

I shut my gray locker hastily after grabbing the necessary things. I enter class, chemistry, and plop in my normal seat. Stares and nasty glares shoot my way. I bite my lips and hide behind my hair. Invisible, invisible, invisible, I pray.

Class begins, I focus myself with the lesson. Just roughly three more years. I can do this.


So. How was it? This chapter was originally way longer, but I cut it in half for reasons. You'll see why! I know that's there's no action so far, but the plot needs to develop. This story was not supposed to be so serious, but it turned out that way. It's not like this the whole book, so hold your horses. (: Please vote/comment/fan! I'd love you FOREVER.

Dedicated to Mouki21 because she's amazing (:


Love you <3

Blue (BoyxBoy) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now