Chapter Three

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Luke's Point Of View (POV):

Damn. This chemistry teacher keeps droning on and on. Something about ions...I think.

My best friend, Ajax, pokes me, gesturing towards whispering students. They're talking about Blue Knight. Of course. He came out to the school, well his brother exposed him, and everybody magically hates him. Poor guy. This school entirely consists of bitches and douches. I don't really care about his preference, honestly.

Ajax frowns, his brow furrowing. His charcoal gray eyes storm, troubled. His deep red hair lies tousled. He's medium skin toned and fit.

"Man, I fucking hate how everybody treats Blue. So what he's gay? He's still a person, and who cares?" he growls angrily.

Ajax used to be extremely homophobic. He wouldn't hesitate to beat a gay person or insult him or her. The thought of liking the same gender repulsed him. Everything changed when his little sister, Juliet, came out. Juliet is Ajax's world. Their parents threw her out when she was just thirteen. They weren't always the best of parents in the first place. They both had major issues. He immediately left with their things and went to the police. The force found her in the woods bleeding profusely, unconscious. The cause is still unknown. I happened to be in the hospital waiting room that night. (A close family friend had her baby.) That was the only time I've ever seen him cry. Seeing his baby sister near death brought him to his knees. We became best friends, basically brothers over time after. He told me why he was there and the guilt he felt. He transformed, became even more fiercely protective over Juliet, and accepting. She's fifteen, we're seventeen. She's a sophomore like Blue and we're juniors like Beau. They're now adopted by my family. My parents fought for them and won. I'm blessed to have such an amazing family.

I frown slightly. He's right, but where is he going with this?

"Today at lunch, let's invite him to sit at our table. Don't be a jackass and say no. You have no reason to not let him," Ajax glares at me challengingly.

I sigh, knowing there's no winning an argument with him.

"All right. Just make sure Beau doesn't catch you. He'll make your life hell at practice," I reply cautiously.

Ajax beams, pink darkening his cheeks. A wide smile spreads across his face. I swear his mood swings like a girl's.

The bell rings deafeningly loud. We clamber out the classroom hastily.

"See you later man, and ask him!" Ajax jogs away, waving.

He's stuck me with the task. Hopefully Blue will want to. Ajax doesn't seem keen on letting this up.

I deposit and exchange my books in the locker.

"You can't run faggot. Nobody here will help you," Michael spits in Blue's face.

Blue whimpers, tears running down his face. A crowd forms around them about seven lockers down. I see his bright violet eyes glass with tears. Might make me a douche, but I can't go against Michael and Posse right now because Coach has us on lockdown about getting beef with each other.

  His brother, Beau, watches blankly. Not one emotion passes his face. Blue looks so pitiful and vulnerable. Bastard. I'd never let anyone treat my little sister, Kiarah, like that. Ajax would murder anybody that touched Juliet. I don't know what happened, but after it was known that Blue is gay, Beau changed completely like a switch to Blue. He used to be so protective over Blue. Nobody dared to breathe even a slightly negative word to Blue. Beau is the person that anybody can go to, that perfect all around guy, football quarterback and all.

Blue's POV:

Oh God oh God oh God. It's happening again. Michael Torres, and his back up are going to beat me. I can't do anything to stop them. Six beats one. My bruises from the last beating are just starting to heal. Beau and I make eye contact for a short second. My lower lip trembles. I feel my eyes widen and fill with more tears. His lips part, something flashes in his eyes, but he turns, walking away. I hang my head defeatedly. Tears slowly roll down my face. I feel shame for letting them see me cry.

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