*IMPORTANT author's note

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Oh my Lord this is so annoying. I'm sorry I haven't updated but drafts keep getting deleted and the quotes that I edit are messing up. I had chapter five all typed out and was going to upload today but it got deleted. I'm beyond mad. I need a favor. If you all could read the previous chapters and the chapter of WMM and tell me if anything is wrong with the quotes such as: quot; or something like that, that would be so amazing. It's like two in the morning el o el. More updates including an update for WMM soon. Yet again, chapter two was deleted. I hate having to type, upload, read, message, and do my covers all on my phone. The font when I'm typing in the Create tab is SO tiny, it's literally a millimeter. I can't stand it. The app crashes constantly, my library never updates, the stories get deleted, the new discover ticks me off, I'm just all around SO DISAPPOINTED with the app. Do any if you all know how to send a report or something? I don't have a computer as a resource. I hate opening Wattpad in Safari too (I have an iPhone) for cast changes, copyright, the stuff on the side (xD), and etc. The songs or pictures NEVER show up. >.<

Anyway, speaking of Blue. I'm changing Luke's character model. Or whatever it's called xD. Eh, I'm not feeling him anymore. So I need a fitting person quickly. Just saying. I know I keep changing the cast, I'm sorry. D: I'm changing Blue's and Beau's mom as well to Brooke Shields. PLEASE I NEED SUBMISSIONS. Do y'all like Marc Shulze as Blue? Please please I need opinions. I have a couple of options if y'all don't. I'm so excited! Comment/state opinions and check for me please! Thank you so much (:

EDIT: 12/5/13 The cast of now is pretty much final. (: Hope you like my picks! Please do feel free to give me your opinion. My family now has a computer so hallelujah for that but I no longer have a phone and I haven't had one for almost five months now.

EDIT: 3/6/14 Once again, cast is pretty much final except for Luke! I feel Brant's too old in real life for this story and to my tastes. Just for this story's purposes! And I don't want to use Channing, Zac, or Chase, or any of the usual people because ehhhhh. They don't fit. But could y'all please help me find somebody?

Btw! I do have a phone now, yay! I rarely get to use the computer.

EDIT: 6/2/14 Still on the hunt for Luke el o el. And back to just a phone. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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