3. A Date?

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Serena waved back and they walked towards us.

Our eyes met and she looked away blushing.

"Cute" I mumbled as a smile formed on my lips.

"Hey, guys!!!" Miette said sitting down next to Bonnie

And Shauna sat next to Miette, leaving Serena with no choice but to sit between Shauna and Ash.

"It's been so long, hasn't it?" Serena said looking at me

"I know right, I should have came back sooner," I said rubbing my neck

"And Pikachu, how have you been?" She said scratching Pikachu's head

"Pika Pika~," Pikachu said becoming shy because of meeting her after so long

And the whole table laughed at that.

Just like that, they started catching up where they left off. Each one of them shared their own story. They had their lunch and went to an amusement park to have fun like they used to do so long ago.

After a long exhausting day, all of them meet up at the entrance of the amusement park.

"Well that was a day spent good" Bonnie said yawning

"Really though, I had so much fun," Shauna said exhausted

"Well guys, me and Bonnie have to head home now," Clement said "Our parents are probably waiting for us"

"Yeah me too," Shauna said tired "I will go home and get some sleep"

"I will get going too, I have a flight in the morning," Miette said looking at the time

"Where are you going?" Serena asked

"To meet my parents. It's been a while since I saw them" She said smiling

"Oh, well say Hi to them for me," Serena said

"I will, anyway bye guys," Miette said waving to Serena and Ash

"Yeah bye," Clement and Bonnie said catching up with Miette

"See you two soon, bye," Shauna said running up to the others

"Bye, see you all soon," Serena said waving her hand

"Bye Bye" "Pika Pika"

Ash, Serena, and Pikachu stood there watching them leave

After they could no longer see them Ash turned to his side to see Serena staring off into the distance.

This is the first time he has seen her so close after so long.

Her eyelashes were so long, a slight blush on her cheeks, her wavy hair blowing in the light breeze, her blue eyes shining in the dark. "She looks so pretty"- Wait what?

All of a sudden she turned to look at him and he quickly looked away embarrassed.

Was he just staring at her and calling her pretty? "What is wrong with me?" "Do like her or something"

"Ash is something wrong" her sudden question startled him

"No it's nothing" he answered her nervously

"Well I was thinking maybe we should hang out tomorrow?" she asked him

"Yeah, sure. I will let the other know" Ash said

"No Ash, I meant just the two of us," Serena said looking away

"Oh, yeah, why not?" he was so nervous about all of this. "Did she just ask me out? Are we going on a Date?

"Let's meet here then, at 10," She said as she began to flatten out the creases in her outfit.

"In the morning right?" As soon as he said that, he regretted it. He saw Serena being taken back a bit. "I mean obviously we will meet in the morning. What can we even do at night together, right?" A blush crept onto Serena's face "I mean... just forget I said any of this" He said looking away embarrassed.

"R-right..." Serena added fake laughing "Then, I will see you tomorrow?"

"You bet" Ash responded grinning

"I will get going then, bye Ash," She said as she walked over to him and gave him a warm hug.

He was surprised at first, but then hugged her back and whispered "Get home safe" Serena broke the hug and smiled at him.

"You too" She said and then began to walk away while waving at him.

After she was out of site, Ash let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Pika pika pikachu~" Pikachu said eyeing Ash

"Shut up Pikachu, I don't like her" And with that they left so that Ash could get some sleep before the big day.








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