8. Missing

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"The person you are trying to reach is not answering their phone. Please try again later or leave a message" Serena put the phone down on the table. That was the final straw for her. She got up and started to get ready.

She wanted to know if something is wrong. After their 'Date' she called Ash the next morning and he didn't pick up. She tried a lot of times, but still no response.

Ash hasn't picked up any of her calls for days now and she wanted to know if it had to do something with her. Did she say something wrong that day or was he upset with her for some reason? These thoughts wouldn't leave her mind. 

If someone asked her, was she upset? Her answer would be yes. She just wanted to know why he wasn't picking up.

But she was worried too. She hasn't seen or heard from him since they hung out together. She called Bonnie and Clemont to ask them about him and found out that they didn't know anything either.

She went outside, locked the door, and started walking towards Ash's house.

Upon arriving Serena knew something was definitely wrong. The door was left open and there was a hole where the doorknob used to be. Now she was really worried.

"Braixen," she said as she took out her Pokeball. Braixen came out and stood beside her.

She took a step ahead deciding to go in and check. She pushed the door open and saw that nothing had been moving around. There were a lot of footprints. That's when she noticed that the muddy footprints started from the doorstep and were going upstairs. She was nervous and afraid of what she will find there. Serena and Braixen went up the stairs and the footsteps led to the room at the end of the hallway.

Serena gulped before going further and threw the door open and she was shocked.

There was blood on the floor. It wasn't much, but it wasn't supposed to be there. She looked around and saw no sign of Ash or Pikachu. She looked through their things and looked for anything out of place. She saw that all of Ash's pokemon were gone too.

She looked in the washroom. There was a room next to his bedroom, she checked there as well.

No sign of them.

Serena's heart started beating faster as each second passed.

She looked everywhere. 

She ran downstairs.

"ASH!!! PIKACHU!!!" she yelled looking in the backyard.

"ASH!!! Where are you!!!" she called to him 

"BRAIXEN!!! BRAIX!!!" Braixen called out for his friend too


She looked everywhere. Inside the house, outside, around the house and she even went outside to the nearest park and shops where he could be.

Exhausted, Serena came back to the house. 

"Ash... can you hear me??? Ash please..." she said not being able to find him. She sat down on the ground and a tear rolled down her cheeks.




"What happened Serena?" Bonnie asked as she threw the doors open and walked into the house. They got a call from Serena half an hour ago and she was crying. They asked her what happened and she told them to come to Ash's house. They came as soon as they could.

"Ash is missing," Serena said tears still rolling down her face

"WHAT!!!" Clemont and Bonnie exclaimed together

"What do you mean by he's missing Serena," Clement asked her while placing his hand on her shoulders to calm her down.

"I have been calling him since the day we went to hang out together. And now it's been a few days and I got no reply. So I came here to find him and saw that the door looks like someone broke in. And there is blood in Ash's bedroom" Serena told them

She told them everything, how she searched everywhere and how she went to the neighborhood too.

That's when Clement noticed that door's knob was missing.

"That's why we didn't hear from him in days," Clemont said to them

"Serena calm down," Bonnie said to her and got up "Clemont let's look again for a sign"

They spend hours searching the place and found nothing.

That's when Braixen came up to Serena.

"Braixen, braixen" she said to her

"What is it Braixen," Serena asked her

"Braixen, braix," she told her 

Serena went outside with braixen like she asked to and saw a Fletchling sitting there.

"Braixen braix, braixen" Braixen told her

"Bonnie!!! Clemont!!! Come here!!!" Serena called to her friends wanting to tell them that the Fletchling saw where Ash and Pikachu were taken.

"What is it Serena,?" Clemont asked dusting off his clothes.

"I think this Fletchling saw where they were taken," she told them

"Fletchling how far away were they taken and by whom?" Clemont asked the Pokemon

"Fletchling fletch fletchling"

"Braixen braix braixen" Braixen told Serena

"He doesn't know who took them, but there were some men wearing black and the place is about a day and a half away," Serena told them

"Alright then, let's go. We will first go to the gym to get some things and then head to where Ash and Pikachu are" Bonnie said as she got up

"Let's go"

And they headed to the Lumiose gym.




"Clembot!!!" Bonnie called out to her assistant.

"Yes, Bonnie?" a robotic voice emerged from the other side of the gym.

"Sent out a message saying that the Lumiose gym will remain closed for a few days and come with us" she instructed him

"I will do that right away. But where are we going?" Clembot asked her

"To find someone," she said not giving him too much detail about what they were going to do. Because if someone caught them then they can hack into his system and get information.

Meanwhile, Clemont packed some food and water.

He then went into his room, got some essential tools that they might need and headed downstairs.

Serena was there confused about what she should do.

She was really worried for him.

She wanted to know if he was okay.

"Serena, we will find him and bring him back," Clemont said bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I... I'm just really worried" she said tears starting to fill her eyes

"Of course, you are," Clemont said knowingly

"W-what?" she asked him confused

"We can see the way you look at him Serena," he said "We will find him" and with that, he walked to the front door.

Serena got up with determination.

"I will find you," she said to herself and walked out with the rest of them into the chilly night.







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