A whole week without seeing Marco

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You were laying on your bed and you notice that Marco haven't text you or anything after the date with his girlfriend. You about to text him but Danielle invite you to a party. You want to go but the same time no. Then you got a text from Marco.


You:"Hey, you haven't text me since a whole week"
Marco:"Yeah.. about that."
You:"about that? What you mean?"
Marco:"I forget about me having a phone. But how your day?"
You:"Boring but now good since you text me and I might go the party. But how yours and how was your date with your girlfriend?"
Marc:"Good, and the date good. I might go to the party too but I will text you later"
You:"Oh ok.. why you acting weird"
Marc:"I'm not"
You:"Then why in school you don't say hey or nothing. It's like you forgot about me"
Marc:"I have a girlfriend and she your teammate as well so we have to low"
You:"whatever. I'm going to the party now. I'm get ready. I don't need deal with this at all."
Marc:"I was coming over but don't go"
You:"I'm going now. I'm not dealing with drama"

You helped out your mom with something outside and you saw Marc outside too and you didn't wave hey or anything since your mad at me. But your mom went to their house and you were in your bed waiting into it hit 5 for you can get ready since the party doesn't start into 9pm

The drama.

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