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The following day

You were walking to school. Mind your business and Marc ran up to you and grab your arm

He showed the video of you and Angel
Marc:"With him?"
You:"Yeah what about it?"
Marc:"With him? I don't believe it!"
You:"when believe it"
Marc:"No, I know you like me!"
Marc:"You like me! I know it. I can see through your eyes that you like me I was your first everything and I know you like me! Tell me that you like me and your trying to hurt me by liking someone else"
You:"Marc what does it matter to you? You have someone"
Marc:"Doesn't matter cause remember that you said in your room meanwhile we laying down. If you have a girlfriend we still doing this"
You:"I know I said that but I didn't know I was going like someone. I don't want hurt him cause his smile is too cute and special to me and me hurting him will hurt me!"
Marc:"I don't believe you! You like me."

He leads in and kisses you and you didn't move or kiss him back. He place his lips on yours. He looks up at you

Marc:"I know it you like me"
You:"That's not true"
Marc:"You didn't move when I kiss you"

You walked away and some tears fell down from your face. You walked to school and your friends asked why you were crying but your eyes were red just tears fall down. Angel texts you


Angel:"Hi beautiful"
Read by you
Angel:"Its about to rain do you want me to pick you up?"
Read by you

The school finish early since you guys were able to leave early. You were walking to Angel's school and rain started coming. You got all wet by the rain. You saw Angel walk out and he was looking around and he saw you and ran up to you. You had a sad face on and he was smiling. You hug him and stand there and his smile went down and he hug you back

Angel:"You okay?"
You:"Yeah, I want hug you"
You drop tears

To Marc

Marc was trying find you.

Rosa:"Let's go Marc?"
Marc:"No, we need to talk"
Rosa:"what is it?"
Marc:"We need break up. I have feelings for someone else"
She cried.
Marc:"I'm sorry, but I don't like you or love you anymore cause my feelings for someone else and I want them. But I'm scared they might pick someone else"

Marc walked away from her and walked to his car and drove to his house

Back to you and Angel.

You were still hugging Angel.

Angel:"Why you crying?"
You:"I'm not, it's the water"
Angel:"Let's go in the car cause we getting wet and we can go to my house or yours"
Angel:"oh ok let's go"

You guys drove to Angel house and you guys were in and Angel was holding your hand all the went to his room and he just hug you and he gave you some sweats and a hoodie. To kept you warm. You just hug him.

Your mind:
"Should I tell him? Should I?"

The drama starts.

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