Late at night

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As the raining night hit. Y/n was just getting home and felt a body hit her open meanwhile she tried to close it. She open it and lighting hit.

Marc:"Don't close it"
You:"Marc? What are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me?"
Marc:"I'm here cause of you"
He grabs your head and place his thumb on her lips.
You:"Marc, you can't be here"

The lighting hit and the lights turn off.

Y/n jumped into Marc's arms. He picks her head up and they look into each other eyes.

Marc:"Y/n I can't leave you"
You:"Marc, I can't leave you too but..."

He grabs your back of your neck and he kisses you. You kiss him back. He grabs your legs placed them over his waist. As you guys went up to your room not breaking the kiss. You guys landed on the bed, he takes off your pants and you unzip his pants and pull them down.

Marc:"I miss you"

He put his fingers in your underwear and pull your underwear down and put them in his mouth. His pull his bowers down and spit your underwear out of his mouth and put it in. You moaned.

Marc:"Yes bae" he groaned.

He holds your hands up and the bed shaking, hitting the wall, and making out and moaning through the kissing. Marc was stroking you so good and fast that words can't explained the feeling of it. The rain and sex. Marc and you looking into each other eyes.

Marc:"Y/n, I love you. Remember am I the boy next door who going to hurt you in the bed make sure to not let you walk anymore"
You:"mm.." you moaned.

You got on top of him, you were riding him, you grab the bed frame, he pulled your hair which made you moaned, he sit down and turn you around, he pulled your hair to make you closer to him. You moaned from the stroked as the deep balls you down all you can feel is pain for it. The pain left through the moans. Marc and you were sweating. As you guys finish, he lays down on you and you played with his hair thinking about Angel.

Marc:"Y/n, where do we stand?"
You:"Marc, idk you make me have this feeling. But I need to know from you as well where do we stand?"
Marc:"More than friends. We both have partners but we love each other"
Marc:"Let's go to sleep"

You guys fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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