Episode 3

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Previous episode 

(I can feel our connection Selena. Whoever you really are. I will find out. )


Third person's Pov 

Valtor and trix are close to find there way out of the omega dimension. And Valtor, still carrying the unconcious selena. Needs to get more energy. And he know exactly where to do that.

" - We have to find the gate to Andros. It's gate out of this place. " Valtor said. 

"- But how are we suppose to find it ? " Icy said.

" - Don't worry trix. I know where it is. The ones who put me here had to take me through that portal to get to Omega dimension. And by doing that, it took some of my energy.  " Valtor said.

" - Let's go"

_________________ Time Jump _____________________

After an hour of walking and flying they finally got to the gate to Andros. 

" - There it is, the gate to andros. " Valtor said with a smirk.

"- It looks sturdy. " Icy said with impress. 

" - All we have to do is make a little crack in it so I can get my energy out there and take it down. And then we will be free. And we can take your precious mistress to safety. " Valtor said and looked down at selena in his arms.

" - Say no more, ladies " Icy said and they used their powers to open the gate. But instead it rejected the magic and made trix fly backwards. Valtor hid behind a pillar to shelter Selena.

" - It'enchanted to reject magic. " valtor said and returned from the pillar with Selena in his arms.

" - I think i know how to overcome that. " Icy said and got an idea.

 " - Hey ice snake, overhere " Icy called the snake.

" - What are yoy doing ? " Stormy said and they started to run to the gate. 

" - Come on snake. Bring on the freeze. " Icy tricked the snake to use it's magic on the gate. While doing that. Darcy and stormy used their powers to open it.

" - Perfect. " Valtor said and put down Selena safely behind the pillar. He flew to the gate.

" -I like your style. Valtor said with a smirk to icy.

" - Right back at you, valtor. " Icy said and blinked with her right eye.

Valtor started to drain the power from the gate and the mermaid guards of Andros. 

" - Now that they're my minions i have all they're power. " Valtor said and continued to drain the power.

" - How to all these guys get minions. " Stormy said and was jelous. 

" - Hey, remember stormy. That we still serve Mistress Selena. And unlike valtor here who  forces people to be his slaves. Mistress Selena asked us to join her and treats us as equals. Be grateful. 

Icy said and used a hard tone at stormy. 

Stormy looked down and said.

"- Yeah you're right. I will never forget that.

They looked at selena with anxious looks. 

"- I hope she is okay. We have to get here out of here and to a safe place. Darcy said.

"- Yeah " Both icy and stormy said in unison. 

" - Andros is mine " Valtor said and used a ball of magic he took from andros. And used it to leave the omega dimension. 

He went back to the pillar and picked up Selena.  

"- Come on let's get out of here. " Valtor said.

They got out of the omega dimension and looked at all the transformed monster mermaids. 

"- Wow your minions are looking good valtor. " Icy said

"- Oh I'm just getting started. " Valtor said and used his magic to transform one more mermaid. 

"- Well let's go. I know where we can hide until Selena here regains consciousness. 

-------------- Time jump-------------

The interdimensionell world. Selena's pov.

I started to regain consciousness. And i felt really dizzy. 

Where am I ? How did i get here ? Was the first thing i thought when i woke up and looked around. 

" - Mistress, you're awake. " I heared icy say and I saw the trix fly to my side. 

I noticed now that i was laying on some kind of stone bench. 

" - Icy, where are we ? How did we get here ? " I said with confusion and my head still hurt.

" - It's kind of a long story. But the only thing you need to know right now. Is that we are in a safe place and we succeeded with the mission. " Icy said and took my hand. She looked proud.

"- The mission. What mis.... " and then I remembered.

"- Valtor ? I said and icy nooded.

"- Where is he ? 

"- I'm here " I heard a man's voice. I looked at the side at one of the walls. And saw him leaning  against it. I walked towards me.

"- I'm sorry we weren't properly introduced. Given that you were unconscious . My name is valtor. " He said and kissed my hand. 

( Talk about a proper gentleman, being the villain and all ) I thought.

" - Pleasure to meet you Valtor. My name is Selena. " I said and stood up.

But when I stood up. I felt the dizziness return.

Valtor caught me and put me down at the stone bench. 

" - Mistress you're still weak. You need to regain your strength. " Icy said with worry and concern.

"- You're right Icy. I might need some more rest. But when I have regain my full strength. We will talk plans. And past. I need to know why i felt  this pull toward you valtor. " I said and laid back down.

" - All in due time Selena. All in due time. Valtor said and i feel asleep.


Valtor's pov. 

I watched the trix's mistress falling asleep to regain her strength. 

I can feel something  familliar about this girl. I don't know what it is. 

But I will find out. 

But I know some things. She is powerful and have loyal servents. And I feel like we have a past together. But I can't remember what it is. 

All in due time.

Hey guys ! 

I am so sorry about the late update. I lost my inspiration for this story for a while. 

But know i think i have found it again.

Hope you guys like it. 

Comment down below to let me know what you guys think.

Stay healthy and stay safe.

Bloom's twin sister. The Return of Selena.Where stories live. Discover now