Episode 4

472 15 7

Selena's pov

I woke up a few hours later and I can already feel my powers returning to full strength. I started to rise up from the stone bench with a smal headache. When I realized I was alone in the cold room. And I noticed something else. It look like I was in some kind of under water cave. I saw water around me on the walls. My headache dropped and I started to stand up and look around to find trix and Valtor.

" Triiiix, Vaaaltoor ?" I shouted. I wonder where they might be. Well I didn't have to wait long until a heard a voice.

" Mistress Selena. You're awake?" Icy said and I could see the trix flying straight towards me. They all stopped in front of me and to my surprise. They hugged me. 

" Yeah I'm awake. Where are we ? What happened ? How long have I been sleeping ?" I asked the Trix and they let go of me.

" We are on the planet Andros. In some kind of under water tunnel" Icy said.

" After you lost consciousness in the omega dimension. We freed Valtor as you wanted and he helped us escape. We got to the gates of Andros and opened it." Stormy said and Darcy continued.

"And Valtor has drained the magic from the portal and of some of the citizens of Andros and made them into his minions. He carried you all the way from the omega dimension to this place. When you lost consciousness again, we let you rest for a few hours and now. Valtor has drained some of the magic from Solaria to regain his full magic strength" Darcy said.

Icy took over and answered the last question. 

" And to answer your last question. You have been sleeping for four hours. And I think Valtor wants to speak with you now" Icy said and I turned to see Valtor by the wall. He leaned against the wall and walked toward us. Looking straight at me.

" Thank you ladies. I'll take over for now. Do you mind me having some time alone to talk with your mistress ?" Valtor said taking his eyes off me for a second and looking at the trix.

" Sure Valtor. But remember that we will be near by if Selena needs us." Icy said and the trix flew away.

Valtor look back at me and gestured me to sit down at the stone bench again. I did and he followed suit.

" I'm happy to see that you're feeling better Selena. Considering what the Trix have told me. You have been through a lot. " Valtor said looking at me. I looked back at him and I felt a deep connection with him. Why ?

" Well yeah. I have really been through a lot. I'm not sure how much the trix have told you" I said looking first at him and then at the floor. 

" The few things they have told me is that you are the light Phoenix but that your heart has darkened because of the dark phoenix Lord Darkar. They told me that you tricked him to summon the power of relix. But that you took it for yourself and destroyed Darkar. I must say, I'm really impressed with you. It takes courage to do what you did. And they also told me that I have you to thank for my freedom. They told me you sensed me." Valtor said looking really impressed and something else I can't quite interpret. 

" Well yeah I did. I was meditating in a cave on some planet to control my powers. When I suddenly had this vision about you. You were in that ice prison and the only thing I got from the vision was your name: Valtor. And that I somehow had a connection with you. To be honest, I was hoping the vision led me to you because you could help me control my powers" I said looking at him with hope in my eyes.

" Well I have never met someone with the powers of relix in my lifetime. But I most certainly will try to help you with your powers. If you let me." Valtor said and  I could feel hope building inside me. But also something else I'm not quite sure what it is.

Bloom's twin sister. The Return of Selena.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora