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Emily's POV.

I woke up to my alarm going off, just kidding, I woke up to Hermione bursting into my room.

"Emily wake up issue issue" She said jumping on my bed.

"Whats up" I said sitting up

"I fell asleep before I finished the Herbology assignment" She said

"Here, take mine and copy what you don't have, I can easily get it back before class starts" I said.

"Are you serious?" She asked

"Yeah, here" I said handing it to her.

"Your a lifesaver" She said.

We started to walk across campus to get to DADA, Harry got transfered to our class, so he was with us as well now.

"So what did I even miss yesterday?" Harry asked

"Just going over the syllabus, thats kinda all we did" I said

"Blackwell" I heard, I turned to the direction it came from, Cedric.

"I'll catch up with you guys" I said, Harry shot me a wink

"Watch it Potter" I said with a laugh before I walked over.

"They were just confused when they saw Potter talking to a girl other then Ginny or Hermione, I figured I'd introduce you" Cedric said as I walked up.

"Ah" I said

"Bloody hell your American" One of his friends said

"Guilty" I said with a laugh

"Wait if your from the states, how did you get here?" Another one of his friends asked

"I've lived in London for a few years now, my mom is just a little control crazy so I was at public school for a while" I said

"Ah, are you muggle then?" One of his friends asked

"No, I'm pure blood still, just protective parents" I said with a laugh

"Okay I have to ask, why do you keep your hair so long" One of the guys asked

"Why do you keep yours so short?" I asked

"Did you just answer my question with a question?" He said

"Did you just answer my question with a question?" I said

"Woah" He said after a minute

"Okay, don't be late for DADA" Cedric said with a laugh putting his hand on my shoulder.

"See you later" I said with a laugh, excusing myself from the group, he was right, I was probably gonna be late.

I walked in roughly a minute before the bell rang, sitting with Mione and Harry.

"So what was that?" Mione asked

"His friends were just shocked to see Potter with a female other then you or Ginny" I said

"Ouch" Harry said with a laugh.

"But he does have a point" He continued.

"Okay everyone, welcome back" The professor started. I immediately zoned out, I do that a lot, I can just have Mione help me later if I get confused. The first week in this class is notes and lecture days.

Cedrics POV.

Second day of classes is usually the most interesting, you start working, you actually focus on who's in your class, basically what you'd expect.

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