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Emily's POV.

I got lucky last night. I managed to catch the night bus to King Cross before I caught the Hogwarts Express, and pulled in literally 20 minutes before breakfast, which gave me the opportunity to change before I met everyone at breakfast.

I made my way down to the great hall, I knew everyone would be there, who am I kidding.

I don't think any of them saw me come in though, knowing I scared poor Ron half to death when I plopped down next to him.

"Aye, there she is" Harry said as he quickly wrapped an arm around me

"I know, you guys don't even have to tell me you missed me" I joked

"You know we did" Mione said before they went back to their conversation

"When was the last time you slept, no offense but you look exhausted Emmy" Harry whispered to me.

"Thursday night, but I'm good, I'll go to bed early tonight, I promise" I said

"You better" He said

Before I knew it, Harry, Mione, and I were walking to DADA.

I luckily didn't miss much in the class, we did dueling on friday and notes yesterday which I'll just get from Mione later.

The bell rang before I could even realize it was to end this period.

"Here's an idea, how about you nap for your free period" Harry said as we started to walk to second period

"Please, do you know Emily Blackwell? She's gonna go see golden boy" Mione said

"Oh my god" I said

"Okay, she's right, you totally have a thing for him" Harry said

"If I have a thing for Diggory, pigs will fly and I'll be standing at your wedding" I said

"Ew" They both said

"We're like siblings, we'd never get married" Mione said

"My point, see y'all last period" I said

Did I just lie to my best friends? Maybe. Do I like Cedric? I don't even know. I'm confused.

I made my way to the library, and somehow I beat Cedric there, which never happens, but all the other guys were there, and for some reason it was packed.

"Blackwell" I heard, I could tell it was Andrew by the voice, followed by him waving me over to the open seat at their table, usually we pull up a chair to fit everyone.

"When'd you get back?" Josiah asked as I sat down

"Well, I left my house at like 10 last night, got in a few minutes before breakfast today, so I haven't been in for long" I said

Tyler started talking about one of the things that happened in Herbology today. I was actually listening decently well until two hands came on my shoulders.

"Boo" Cedric said, I only noticed it as him after I looked up behind me.

"I'm gonna kill you" I said, he really did scare the shit out of me

"Oh really now?" He said

"Yep" I said

"Really?" He said

"To death" I said

"Oh you're gonna kill me to death" He said

"Yep" I said

"Glad you're back darling" He said before he started looking around the crowded room for a chair.

I don't know why I get such butterflies when he calls me darling, I always have, I can't even control it. It kinda bugs me that it won't go away. The worse part is, I think he knows what he's doing as well.

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