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Emily's POV.

I'll be honest, I'm lucky I have such great friends. I accidentally fell asleep last night on Harry and he carried me up to my dorm and pulled my blanket up over my shoulders. That's a real friend right there.

Relentlessly, my morning like every other weekday starts with the wonderful Hermione coming in to grab me for breakfast, way too excitedly by the way, she has way too much energy this early.

We made our way down to the great hall, and everyone else slowly filed in, the only other morning people are Fred and George, so 90% of us stay groggy the whole meal.

I'll admit it, I go on autopilot during breakfast, basically every day, Hermione knows to just grab my arm to get my attention to walk to DADA.

Luckily for me today, it was just a lecturing day, so I literally zoned out til the bell rang. Mione said I didn't miss anything important.

Wanna know something scary? I don't remember the walk to the library at all. I just all of a sudden was in a chair with the guys. It's like I was on autopilot the whole way here. It's insane how I can do that.

And apparently I was zoning out for a while based on the guys reactions.

"Blackwell" I heard

"Huh, oh sorry, what's up?" I said, which caused about half of them to break out into laughter.

"You're a mess today" Andrew joked

"I know, so what was the question? Sorry" I said

"The astronomy project, you got any ideas?" Cedric said with a laugh

"Haven't thought into it yet" I said

"Okay, I haven't either so I feel better about my decisions now" He said

"You can go back to Jupiter now" Tyler said

"Funny" I said

"I know" He said

Did I know he was joking? Yes, but did I still zone back out? Also yes.

I don't know why, I'm just in my own little world today. It happens from time to time. Happens with focus issues I guess. Luckily it doesn't happen frequently.

Cedrics POV.

"You know what's up with her?" Tyler asked after a few minutes.

"Maybe the stuff with her mom finally hit her" I said

"The fact that we all know her so well that we know when she's zoned out we can talk about her in front of her, and she won't pick up on it is kinda scary" Jake said

"Yeah, maybe we can find a way to distract her or something, she shouldn't go through this alone" Josiah said

"That's Digs job, he knows her best" Brian said

"I'll figure something out" I said

They went back to talking about last nights quidditch game after that.

Honestly I have no clue what I can do, will I figure something out? I hope so.

There's a chance it could be about something other then her mom. Maybe she's just tired? Or she could just be having a bad focus day in general.

Are you stupid Cedric, of course it's about her mom, even Fred noticed how close her and her mom are, and she died, who else would it be about.

I honestly don't even want to imagine what she's going through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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