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Time jump, a little over a month

Emily's POV.

Let's see, honestly my time heres been pretty calm.

Ginnys tried to convince me countless times to try getting on a broom again since one of their chasers is graduating this year.

I've bailed the twins out of trouble at least five times.

The amount of hours Ive spent studying with Hermione and Harry is surreal.

And yeah, other then that it's been pretty peaceful.

Except for every morning the pounding on my door, which is probably gonna come any minute now-

"Emily come on we gotta get to breakfast before Ron eats the lot of it" Hermione yelled.

"I was just about to come out Mione, we're good" I said, slipping my robe on over my outfit and shutting my door behind me.

Mione likes to be able to go right from breakfast to DADA, while Harry's the exact opposite. It's kinda funny to watch it go down every morning.

"I heard were dueling today" Ron said

"God I sure hope so" Harry said

"They let us duel?" I said

"It's all only disarming the other person, nothing fatal or potentially fatal" Mione said

"It's fun" Fred said

"I call Emily as my partner if we get to choose, I'm not getting stuck with Malfoy again, I swear to god if I had the chance I would've killed him last time" Mione said

"Damn now I'm gonna be stuck with him" Harry said

"But Malfoy actually challenges you, I'm always like 8 steps ahead of him." Mione said

"Your lucky I love you" Harry said

"I know" Mione said

I sort of zoned out during breakfast, I won't lie, I always do, I don't function the first hour I'm awake but who does other then Hermione.

"Earth to Emily, we gotta go to DADA" Harry said

"I'm alive" I said, they all raised their eyebrows at me.

"Ish" I said

"There we go" Harry said.

We started the walk across campus to DADA, and the rumors were right, when we walked back into the room, all the desks were spread to the walls.

"Okay, every pick a partner, we're dueling today" The professor said

"I called it" Mione said grabbing my arm.

"Ms.Granger and Ms.Blackwell you two are together I presume" The professor said

"Yes sir" I said

"Perfect" He said

He explained what we were doing and let us get started on the day.

And yes, Harry did get stuck with Malfoy. They were right next to us though so Harry was half sane.

"Okay everyone, now switch with someone close to you" The professor said.

"I call Harry" Mione said

"Damn Mione" I said

Malfoy isn't bad at dueling, but he's not great. His trash talk absolutely sucks though. Like he could use severe lessons on it.

"Golden boy? Really?" حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن