Chapter 5 :'-(

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Once they exit, something extraordinary happens, Barbie bursts into tears, heaving and crying buckets from her once sparkly orbs. The sky turns a black colour as clouds rush in overhead to block out the sun. It begins to pour with rain. Kenderly stands shook and quaking as Barbie buckles over and starts rocking back and forth in her Apple Bottom Jeans.

"Barbie?! ........What's wrong??" Kenderly asks, as if treading on very thin ice. You never know what could happen when you're talking to Barbie in such a state.

"I'M DISTRAUGHT," Barbie replies, distraught.

"............yes, but.......... what's wrong?" Kenderly suddenly didn't care if Barbie was going to go feral on him, he just wanted to know how he could help.

"Oh Kenderly, don't you understand? We went to the year 2000 to get some authentic Y2K clothes, and all I managed to get was ONE pair of Apple Bottom Jeans! Do you not see the problem?!" Barbie was an utter mess at this point, even the messy bun, that had been perfectly put in place for most of this story, fell out, splaying her perfectly blonde hair all over her, like a wet mop.

"Barbie... I think this is the perfect time for me to give you something... when we first met, I thought you were just another toxic person trying to boss me around and take advantage of my vampire coolness, however, over the course of this- day? I've discovered that I greatly enjoy spending time with you, I want to give you this gift... close your eyes." Kenderly waited until Barbie had covered her eyes with her hands and pulled a large bag out of thin air. (Just vampire tings). He placed the bag next to where she was still shaking slightly on the wet ground.

"Here." He said. Barbie uncovered her face and looked at the bag with slight disappointment but decided that for once she wasn't going to voice her disapproval, she pulled the bag open to discover it was packed full of clothes with millimeters to spare.

"KENDERLY!!! Are these- no, it can't be..."

"Yes Barbie, they're authentic Y2K clothes, I took some in the kerfuffle with Kenneth, at least that little demon brat was good for something." Kenderly says, scathingly, mentioning Kenneth was still a bit touchy.

"Oh my me. Kenderly, I- I don't know what to say. This is just everything I ever wanted! Oh Kenderly, you're really the best!" Barbie says. All of a sudden, the clouds disperse, the sun begins to shine, and it stops raining. Back to normal Malibu weather. Barbie frowns and stops sifting through the clothes in sudden confusion, "Kenderly, why are we outside? Wasn't the time machine in my wardrobe?"
"Barbie, did you not read the manual? When returning from a trip in time, the TXM-3435 lands outside, it's basic time law!"

"Oh right, I'm too good for manuals. Kenderly, these clothes are amazing, I couldn't possibly thank you enough!" And with that said, Barbie fishes through her Louis Vuitton bag for a small box. She gets down on one knee and proposes to Kenderly. "Kenderly, when I first met you, I thought you were an emo Vampire. But as we have spent time together, I have realised that you are so much more than that. You are resourceful, kind, courageous and most of all, you do whatever I ask of you - all the traits that make up the perfect trophy husband. Kenderly the Third, will you marry me?" Kenderly is speechless for over a whole minute - he simply did not know what to say. This was his fantasy, his one true dream (we don't acknowledge the other one because no one knows what it means). To finally achieve it was like nothing he had ever felt before. He was utterly in love with Barbie.

"Barbie I simply do not know what to say. This is my one true dream! To finally achieve it is like nothing i've ever felt before. I'm utterly in love with you, Barbie." Kenderly is great at communicating his feelings. "So, of course.... YES! I will marry you. Just one question, what about Ken?" This was a very valid and relevant question.

"Oh, Ken can join Kenneth in demon hell for all I care." Barbie's orbs sparkle with fury, now both of their names were like hellspawn to her. Barbie goes back to smiling as she slips the ring onto Kenderly's finger. It fits perfectly, an expensive, luxurious, costly, regalic, gothic ring. It suited Kenderly's vampire fashion sense immensely.

"You know what Kenderly?" Barbie says, turning her head towards her mansion, where Ken was likely to be, he just couldn't take a hint and leave her alone for a bit. Her mind was plotting something.

"We should kill Ken. That way, we will be rid of him forever. He will never be the annoying person that just can't take a hint!" Barbie says, she was fed up with Ken since the beginning of time anyways.

".............................................w h a t-" Kenderly, gobsmacked, stood there fixed to the spot.

"You heard me, why don't you showcase those vampire powers the writers keep mentioning to do me some good! You are my fiancee, you will do what I ask, or are you no longer interested in spending the rest of your life with me?" Barbie was still very manipulative, one proposal couldn't change that.

"No- of course I am... okay, since you think it's a good idea, and you're a god, it must be alright? Right?" Kenderly did not want to disappoint his love. "That's the spirit." Barbie patted his shoulder twice, "Okay Kenderly, I'm going to go in, make sure you do what I asked. And just- let me do the talking." Barbie collects all her stuff, and makes her way over to the mansion.

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