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KO walked around for a bit, outside of TKO's house.
He walked and walked, waiting for TKO to say "come inside."

TKO then opened up the door, "Chat?" TKO asked. KO nodded.

They both went inside, and in the house, was pretty much empty,
TKO made KO blush a little bit when he said, "Chat." It was pretty cute.

KO then took a seat on the beanbag.
TKO sat next to him.

"So, what did you want to talk about huh KO?" TKO asked. Picking his nose.

"Uhm, I wanted to apologize. for yknow, how I acted. It was stupid and I shouldn't have done that. I was just, I wanted to teach you a lesson. You didn't deserve that tho.... Im sorry. Do you forgive me?"

TKO bit his lip. He didn't like this. He didn't like how KO did that, but...

UGgGHH why is this so frustrating?! He just so cUte and he's so fucking UGGGGHHH!!!!!

TKO let out a sigh.
"Oh. Well, ugh. Fine. Your forgiven."

KO started smiling really widely. Teeth and everything.
"THANK YOU TEEKS!!! THANK YOU. that means a lot to me..." KO smiled.

TKO chuckled. "Whatever baby." He spat out.
"and, your welcome emo boy."
TKO turned his head,
"D-did.... Did you just call me a emo boy?-" TKO looked at him. KO chuckled,
"Sure did daiper baby." KO smiled.

TKO wasn't sure what he was hearing,
KO made a comeback?! That's NEVER happened. It always went-

"Uh, TKO? You need water or something? Cuz, your face is sweating a lot, and your face is red." KO slowly moved up to him.

TKO gulped,
KO moved closer and closer,

To the point where they where almost touching noises.

To the point where they where almost touching noises

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"Uh, KO, your awfuly close... Could you back away?" TKO asked.
"Oh.. Yeah right. Personal space hehe." KO chuckled.

'What the fuck is happening.'
TKO thought.

"Alright, so you do forgive me?" KO smiled. TKO nodded.

"Just to let you know, I hate you." TKO said.
"I hate you to emo boy."
"Sassy huh?"
"Just enough for ego~"

I hate you, but I love you. (and fuck you.)Where stories live. Discover now