Popularity increases

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Ch.02: Popularity increases

"You were awesome, TOTALLY AWESOME” Ino exclaimed for the thousandth time.

Kisara giggled and replied “Since we got out of the stadium, you kept on saying it”

“B-but I-it’s b-because y-you w-were r-really g-great” Hinata stuttered.

“And you made so many girls mad. You should have seen the three sluts, they were red in anger” Temari said.

“Great, just great” Kisara mumbled.

“Nah, no worries. If they try to do something to you, they will have to pick a fight with me” Ino said having Kisara in a headlock.

“I-Ino…y-you…k-killing m-me” The pinkette said before Ino released her.

“I have math class. I should be going now” She stated. 

“I h-have m-math too. I w-will l-lead y-you t-the w-way” Hinata stuttered.
“Hey girls, what do you think we go to the mall after school?” Temari proposed.

“Sure why not?” Ino said.

“I’d love to” Kisara said.

“I h-have n-no p-problem w-with t-that” Hinata said.

“Well then see you later girls”

And with that, they walked in different ways. It didn’t take long for Hinata and Kisara to arrive. Luckily, the teacher wasn’t there yet. Both girls sat at the end of the class, next to each other. Of course when they entered, students started whispering about Kisara and the awesome match she gave them.

“Oh no! I hate attention so I don’t know why I always attract attention to me” Kisara whispered to Hinata making the Hyūga girl giggle.

“KISARA-CHAN” Both girls looked up and saw Naruto coming with Sasuke.

“Naruto-Kun, Sasuke, hi” She greeted them.

“Thanks again for the help. Without you, I don't think we would have won this match.” He said while sitting on her desk. “Oh hi Hinata” He greeted now noticing her.

Hinata blushed hundred times redder and sharper than she used to. “H-H-Hi N-N-Naruto-Kun” She stuttered.

I see someone has a crush~’ Kisara sang in her head.

“Hinata are you okay? You have a fever? Your face is so red.” Naruto said and touched her forehead only to increase her blush. “Oh my God Hinata, you are burning. You must go see a doctor”

“N-No I-I a-am f-fine” She stuttered.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “If you say it so but go see a doctor once” He suggested.

Kisara did everything possible to prevent herself from facepalming.  ‘Can’t you see she has a crush on you?!?’ She thought dumbfounded. 

“Oh by the way Kisara-Chan, we wanted to ask you if after school you can practice basketball with us. Or hang out with us? The whole group wants to know you better.” Naruto said grinning.

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