Uh oh (5)

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Karl woke up to the fresh smell of pancakes.

"Mm, those smell good"

Karl got up and used the bathroom and went downstairs to see his friends talking. He saw Bad, Dream, and his boyfriends.

"Where's Skeppy?" Karl asked

"He had to go talk to his mom, anyways how did you sleep Karl?" Bad asked

"Pretty good how about you guys?"

"Good" they all said

Karl sat down with them and ate. After he was done eating he checked his notifications.

"So guys how was last night?" Dream said

Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap looked at each other and their faces got red.

"It went well...." Quackity said slowly

"I bet it did" Dream said smirking

Dream started to wheeze and Karl Quackity and Sapnaps faces got red and Bad was trying to calm Dream down.

"Wait where is George?" Quackity said trying to change the subject

"Oh he's still sleeping" Dream said

"Ok, sounds pretty normal" Karl said

They laughed for a little and then decided to do something of their own. Dream and Bad went to the store, Sapnap, Quackity and Karl watched tv, and of course, George was still sleeping. Karls legs still kinda hurt but he was able to walk.

"We should totally do that party thing we did last night again, that was honking awesome" Karl said

"Yea that was fun" Sapnap said smirking

After that George came down stairs and looked at the three.

"Where's Dream?" George said tiredly

"He went to the store with Bad" Quackity said

"Oh ok" George said as he walked into the kitchen

George went into the kitchen and ate. A few minutes later Dream and Bad got home.

"Where're home!!" Bad yelled coming the front door

"Hey Dream, hey Bad" George said

"Hey George how did you sleep?" Bad said cheerfully

"Good how about you?"

"Great! Thanks for asking!" Bad said happily

Two hours later~

George woke up to laying on Dreams lap while Karl and Sapnap were taking pictures and giggling. Dream was awake on his phone just scrolling through Twitter.

"Hey your awake sleepy head" Dream said

"Yea I guess" George said laying back down onto Dreams lap

George blushed under the hoodie and fell back asleep. Dream gave him a kiss on the head and ignored what Sapnap and Karl were saying. After Sapnap and Karl got bored they went to Karls room to talk about what they were going to do.

"Ugh we have to go back home in a week" Karl said

"Ughh I don't wanna go back to Dreams house" Sapnap said

"Ugh I don't wanna go home either" Quackity said


"Hmm, but how?" Sapnap said

"We could all get a job and take turns paying for an apartment!!" Karl said excitedly

"That does sound like a good idea..." Sapnap said

"True, Karl does have a point" Quackity said

"Let me ask Dream and see what he says" Sapnap said

Karl and Quackity snuggled together while Sapnap went to talk to Dream. Turns out Dream wanted George to go with him and take Sapnaps room so this was good news. Sapnap told Karl and Quackity and they got excited. They decided it was a bit early to pack but got things ready anyways. After that they turned the tv on and chatted a little and basic stuff like that.

"I'm tired" Karl said

"Okay, me and Sapnap can cuddle you" Quackity said smiling

"Oki!" Karl said

Soon enough Karl was getting spooned by Quackity and Quackity was being spooned by Sapnap. Sapnap tried his best to hold both of them but it was a bit hard. They ended up falling asleep for about an hour. Before they fell asleep Karl put some music on not very loud, and turned his Led's to be purple.

One hour later~

Quackity woke up and checked the time.

"12:46 pm, dang time flys" he whispered

He got up to get a snack and when he got back Sapnap was hyperventilating.


He went over to Sapnap and put his hand on Sapnap's back.

"Quackity...?" Sapnap said

"Yes it's me" Quackity said calmly

"What's wrong?" Quackity asked a little worried

"I had a dream where you left me and Karl to die outside.." Sapnap said about to cry

"Aww Sapnap don't worry I will always be here" Quackity said smiling

"Why did you leave the bed?" Sapnap asked

"I was getting some snacks because I was a little hungry"

"Oh ok"

They layed down and this time Quackity didn't care if he couldn't really breath from Sapnaps grasp, he knew Sapnap was upset so as long as Sapnap was happy, he was happy. He didn't fall back asleep like they did, but he was comfy so he just got on his phone and put headphones in to make sure not to wake his boyfriends. Karl awoke from Quackity moving his arm.

"Sorry Karl, I didn't mean to wake you" Quackity said as he kissed Karl on the head

"It's ok" Karl said snuggling into Quackitys arms

Quackity smiled and went back to doing whatever he was doing. Eventually Sapnap woke up and they all sat up and talked about what they wanted to do for the apartment.

"We should make it colorful!" Karl said

"Nah we should make it orange yellow and black" Sapnap said

"Oh my gosh you guys just choose a color and be done with it" Quackity said rolling his eyes jokingly

All of a sudden they heard a knock on their room door.

"Can I come in?"

It was Bad. He looked worried for some reason.

"What's wrong bad?" Karl asked getting worried

"We need to go" Bad said quickly

"Wha-" the three said

"Just come on we need to go" Bad said worried

"Ok...." the three said

Bad was practically running at this point while the other three boys followed. They were confused but Bad was never worried so that made them more worried.

"What's wrong Bad" Dream said

"Come on" Bad said

Hehe little cliffhanger. Anyways hope you enjoy. Remember to eat and drink water today. Ly!! <3

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