hey (a/n)

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hey, i'm sorry that i haven't been updating this. i have the motivation while i'm at school because i update the other book, but i don't when i'm at home. i'm really sorry that i haven't been updating this at all, but my writing has changed and this book is all over the place. as much as i would like to fix it, i don't have the same feeling as i used to. call it selfish but i don't want to put it on my chrome book because it would be a lot of work and i just wouldn't enjoy it. i hope you can understand. just know i will update this as much as i can because i don't want to just stop making it. i love this book a lot, almost as much as i love you, but god is it hard to update this book.

well i hope you can understand and just know i love you. also yeah i guess this is me saying i want a break even though i was pretty much already on a break. alright, i love you, goodbye :)

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