Big Tommy

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Big Tommy is my Thompson, I've had it forevah. My soulmate. ANYway, I approached tha fight, Big Tommy in hand. I stood between Angel an Cherri, giving both a curt nod. "Now let's  go lick sum ass!!" Cherri gave me a look while Angel corrected me. "Uh, Nix, the expression is 'kick sum ass', Nix." I shrugged "Mine's bettah."
-le time skip brought to you by -

-le time skip is also brought to you by my laziness to repeat the whole Sir Pentious fight from the pilot, already did that in 'Trapped in a web of ecstasy'-Aftah tha fight, I approached Angel, Big Tommy in top right hand, bottom two paiahs crosse...

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-le time skip is also brought to you by my laziness to repeat the whole Sir Pentious fight from the pilot, already did that in 'Trapped in a web of ecstasy'-
Aftah tha fight, I approached Angel, Big Tommy in top right hand, bottom two paiahs crossed, and my top left hand held out expectantly, palm up. Kinda like a...."Bitch I'm bettah than you, now gimme" kinda stance. Angel raised a brow, amused. "What?" He asked. I huffed, "you know wat I want. I want my money." He laughed, like I had jus told a funny joke. "Oh sweetheaht, you thought your 'Reward~' was gonna be money? Hahahaha! Thought ya'd been in Hell long enuf ta know that's not how it works~" I growled. "Don't get cute wit Me, ya pompous, sick, horny, lusty, haiahball! Now Gimme my money!!!!"  The Porn stah jus laughed again, befoah fishin a wad a cash from his chest floof. "I'm jus kiddin babe~ Don't take everythin so seriously, I was jus messin wit ya!" He then plopped tha money into my upturned hand. I immediately snapped my hand around it and pulled my arm back, buryin it in my bra. "Pleasah doin business wit ya handsome~" Angel Dust purred back, "Anytime, Sugatits~"
An wit that, I left wit my money back ta Mimzy's.

It's yoga eatin time!

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