WhAt ThE fUcK iS tHiS sHiT?

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I was at home in my apartment. (I gave up on the damn accent. I'm a failure)
Just Voxflix and chill...I mean literally, no one is at my place. Or so I thought. I heard a knock on my door and went to open it...the princess? "Hi! I'm Charlie! Princess of Hell, and I heard-" I cut the broad off. "Ah-ah, lemme stop ya there cupcake, I heard about  dis hotel an I'm not interested in any handouts, I can hold my own against Hell. There's a reason I'm here right?" Her face fell. "O-oh, no, I'm not offering anything like that, I just want to help?" I raised a brow. I crossed my bottom two sets of arms and used the top to put a cigarette to my lips and light it. "Help?" The princess nodded hopefully. "Yeah, I mean,, if you'd like...we have free food and shelter, and all we ask is you give redemption a chance...I heard-" "you heard what? Whaddya mean you heard? Who's talking about me?" Charlie shook her head. "Oh no, nothing bad, just, a friend was looking out for you." I shook my head Before mumbling. "Mimz..." It had to be Mimzy...or Al, I mean, Al has been tryna get me to go there...other than that, I have no friends..."so, what do you say? Wanna give heaven a second chance?" I looked at her.... Eh, What the hell.

Hellish Temptations (Angel Dust x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now