*It will get better* 0.5

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It's going to be okay

Your POV

Walking out of Derek's Apartment had to be one of the most hardest things to do. Leaving Stiles like that made you feel like you were losing the one very thing you wanted. You get it he's sorry, but maybe you're not ready to let him back in. Plus, he almost found out about your dad beating you to a pulp, again. You walked down the very familiar road to see the sorry house you lived in. Bracing yourself to face your drunken dad you stopped for a second to get a breath. "I can do this" you thought. Your body still hasn't recovered from the last time he beat you. You still had that bruise along your neck and the whips from the belt are still running down your back and it still hurts like piss when you touch the back of your head because of the slight gash he left.

You open the door walking into the quite house seeing you're dad passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand ready to fall. You continued walking to your room and sat on your bed. You leaned back on the pillow and sighed, "Today was terrible." You mumbled to yourself lifting your phone above your head going through all the messages and missed calls from Allison and Lydia.

You called Lydia first, "Hello?" her voice suddenly came over the line.

"Hey, I just got home. Scott okay?" you asked playing with the lose stands of hair that had fell from your ponytail.

"Um.. he's not great, but he's still tied up if that's what you mean." Something was off you didn't know if it was the fact of your dad being home or if you were worried about Scott. "Y/N? you there?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah? why?" You sat up from the bed waiting for her to say something.

She sighed before repeating herself, "Stiles left right after you walked out. I think he was coming after you but he didn't say. If he comes to your house you need to talk to him. He really does like you." Was all she said before she hung up.

The next thing you knew the drunk of a father you had stormed into your room, "Where the hell have you been? I have looked for you everywhere and couldn't fined you. Time for you to get your ass beet for being late." He said walking with his belt in hand.

You've never had a curfew but I guess since he does what he wants he can make one now. You started to cry backing up on your bed he walked fast to you and brought the belt over his head with an evil smile.

The belt came crashing down on you with a loud slap he continued until he got tired. You laid helplessly until you heard the nock on your window. Looking up you see the one person you wanted to but didn't, Stiles.

You rolled over on your side and slid your arm to the window, your bed sat on the wall right beside it. You slid it up a little and he finished it climbing in.

"You okay?" He asked lying down with you.

You just sat there not saying anything. He looked you up and down noticing the few bruises along your arms, "he's hurting you again isn't he?" he asked lightly tracing the outside of your arm with his fingertips.

You nodded lightly lying your head on his chest and crying. "It's okay. I'm here now. I'm sorry I left, I'm so sorry." he was crying now he smoothed your hair repeatedly. "I'm sorry."
Hello! I'm so so sorry for this late update! This is part 5 of the Stiles series. I hope you liked it!

My grandpa is in the hospital he had heart surgery Monday morning, I really would appreciate if you would pray for him! just pray.

thank you.

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