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"The spirit of Sisu..." I said, making the dragon prayer sign. The Dragon Gem's magic seemed to flow through my veins. Strong; powerful. "I can feel it."

My mind started to wander. Maybe, Raya and I could really find Sisu and bring her back! I imagined both of us, travelling through the deserts of Talon, going through every river's end; I imagined the both of us, along with Sisu, coming back and reuniting Kumandra. It would be great.

Raya nodded at me. "It's the last bit of dragon magic left in the whole world!"

And so you take hold of it and use it to bring your kingdom prosperity. I thought back to Mother's words. She will betray you. What if after we found Sisu, Raya would just use her to bring her kingdom more prosperity instead? Maybe Raya just wanted to use me to bring Sisu back, without caring to reunite Kumandra at all. Maybe our people would continue to suffer.

Never trust anyone. Mother once said. Isn't this why my Father was killed? Betrayed? Wouldn't Raya do the same? Since they hoarded this gem, wouldn't they hoard Sisu too?

'I see why Heart guards it so closely..." I mumbled. My mind was still racing with thoughts. I shouldn't betray her... But yet, Heart, our fiercest enemy, only hoarded the gem for themselves, selfishly. I thought about how Raya and I had been spending time together. Then I thought about our suffering people and the lack of space our kingdom had. Then, I made my choice.

"Thank you... dep la. You've been... very helpful." I said, kicking Raya to the ground. She hit the ground face first and rolled over. She groaned in pain, stumbling to her feet.

"In a different world, maybe we could've been friends. But I have to do what's right for Fang." I turned to walk towards the gem. Raya rushed up to pull me back, before making a fighting stance.

Her face, her expression... It almost made me want to cry. She looked so hurt. As if she really had not seen this coming.

Raya charged towards me, throwing her fists. I blocked, retaliating with my own punch. Punch after punch we sent, blow after blow we ducked. Raya's pet came rolling into a ball before hitting against my heel. With a grunt, I kicked it away, into the stone pillars surrounding us. That minor distraction allowed Raya to jump up and pummel me to the ground.

Unable to fight, I had to resort to my emergency plan. Whipping out a firework from my pocket, I released it. Its flare shot up into the sky before exploding into a majestic firework. That was it. I had done my job.

Raya and the Last Dragon - AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now