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As the firework in the sky exploded, so did my insides. What had I done? One moment I was joking and talking with Namaari, heart full of hope that we could reunite Kumandra again, the next she stabs me in the back and attempts to steal the dragon gem.

For hundreds of years, the people of Heart have guarded this dragon gem, and here I was, exposing its location to someone from Fang. Why had I not thought about this? Why was I oh so foolish, so naive to think that I could trust someone from Fang?
I thought back. Maybe this was all planned out. Maybe Namaari had been so nice to me, been so kind to me, given me so much
hope - just so that she could gain my trust to steal the dragon gem away!

"There's no way you're taking Sisu's Gem," I said, gritting my teeth and taking a fighting stance.

"I'm sorry, but it's Fang's now..." Namaari said as dozens of soldiers rushed in and surrounded me in no time.

I panicked. How am I going to defend myself, much less the Dragon Gem? I continued posing in my fighting stance, preparing myself for any attack.

A ring of metal and clatter of chains, before Father swooped in from the sky. The clang of metal filled the air as Father fought his way in front of me, defending me in the process.

"You will not set foot on the Dragon Gem's inner circle," he warned.

"What's going on?" Another voice ringed.

"What is this?"

"Fang's making a play for the gem!"

People started flooding into the gem room.

"No! Spine should have the gem!" The leader of Spine declared, thumping his chest with his fists.

"Not if we get to it first!" Someone else replied.

"Our blades say different..."

I grew more and more worried. Were they going to start fighting for the gem? Are they going to turn this into a massacre? What if they steal the gem?

"Listen to me!" Father finally shouted. "We have a choice; We can tear each other apart, or we can come together, to build a better world..."

"It's not too late," Father explained, cautiously putting his blade, a sword made of detachable parts, back to its scabbard. "I still believe... we can become Kumandra... again." He raised both his open hands in front of him.

Everyone was quiet, and for that silent moment, I thought everyone had a change of heart. Then, it was broken by the twang of a string, before the shot arrow from a crossbow sailed through the air and embedded itself into my father's leg. With a groan, he fell to the ground.

"Pa!" I screamed, dashing towards him.

And everyone collectively rushed forward.

"Don't block the way!" "The Dragon Gem belongs to Spine!" They shouted as they all tried to get their hands on the Dragon Gem. And in the midst of that frenzy, the Dragon Gem fell onto the ground with a crash.

The world shook, and Father pushed himself forward. "No... no..." He clasped the pieces of the gem in his hand. Another rumble. A section of the wall gave way, cracking and tumbling to the ground. Then a roar, before the evil black and purple mist came out from the ground.

"Druun..." Father mumbled. Someone from Tail tried to shoot their crossbow at the Druun, but instead, he was devoured by it and turned into stone. With the Druun slowly advancing, Father picked up a piece of the gem and shoved it at the Druun, repelling it.

"There's still magic in them!" Someone shouted. "Get the pieces!" and everyone dashed forward. "No!" I tried to stop them, but they knocked me over and snatched the gems away. With no other choice, I turned around, and pushing against the funning crowd, got back to my father.

"Pa! Come on, we have to go!" Supporting him, we made our way out. The advancing Druun reeled back as they came into contact with a puddle of water on the ground.

"They're repelled by water! Hurry, get to the river!" Father said.

We were halfway across the bridge when Father finally fell to the ground with a groan. "Pa, get up!" I cried helplessly. "Come on! Please get up, we have to keep moving! Get up!"

The Druun kept advancing, yet Father still didn't try to stand up. "Stand up! I'll help you!" I screamed.

"Raya!" Father grasped my shoulder. "You have to listen... You are the Guardian of the Dragon Gem..."

"Pa, why are you saying this?!"

The bridge shook and rumbled, and Father brought me into a hug. He showed me the gem. "There's still light in this... there's still hope..."

"No!" I shouted. "We... we can make it together! You're... you're okay!"

"Raya..." Father breathed as he handed me the gem. "Don't give up on them.." He kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you, my Dewdrop..."

And he threw me over the bridge.

"PA!" I shouted as he was picked up by the Druun like a leaf and turned into a stone figure. I crashed into the water, gasping for air. And as I floated away in the current, I wondered how I was supposed to get him back again.

Raya and the Last Dragon - AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now