Chapter 11

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Bob and Kristen don't move or speak for a very long time after the vanishing. They are unable to believe that the boys have disappeared but the sickness in their stomachs tells them that something truly terrible has happened.

Once darkness falls, they move stiffly from their spot on the wall. They have an urge to hide away, to disappear like the others. Trudging through empty streets, steering clear of Bob's house, they plod up the steep track to Kristen's hut.

Now, with the sun slowly rising over the town, the previous night's trauma consumes Bob and Kristen. 'So what are we going to do?' asks Kristen as she pokes her head out of the hut. Bob is still pacing up and down through the dewy grass, mumbling to himself.

'Did you stay up all night?'

'Pretty much. I tried shutting my eyes when you went to sleep but I kept seeing that Pinky Ponk, and those weird little particles in the air. They really looked like Andrew, didn't they? It's not just me? He's gone hasn't he?' he says, digging his fingernails into his palms to stop himself from crying.

'I don't know Bob. We're just going round in circles again. Let's go down the hill. Try and figure it all out.'

'I suppose I should tell Mum what has happened. She is going to be so worried. Will you come with me?'

Shivering, they make their way to Bob's house. Half-way down the hill, they pass a small cottage. They glance over to see a strange man grunting as he manoeuvres himself into a yoga pose, one arm stretching towards the sun. Mystified, they stop and stare until he catches sight of them. Standing up straight he puts his hands to his mouth as if to shout to them.

'Come on, let's get going,' says Kristen. As they near his cul-de-sac, they both spot blue flashing lights bouncing off the walls. Bob's feet won't take him any further but Kristen gives him a gentle shove.

Three police cars are parked outside Bob's house. His mum Jenny is pacing up and down outside. A family liaison officer has her arm around her shoulders.

Jenny's legs begin to shake uncontrollably when she spots Bob. He approaches her, hanging his head. She grabs him and gives him a good shake. 'Where the Hell have you been? Where's Andrew? I have had the worst night of my life.'

Bob crumples in his Mother's embrace and shakes his head. He looks up into her eyes and tries to speak but can't. He looks pleadingly at Kristen.

'Hi, Mrs Livesey....'

'And who do you think you are? What kind of trouble have you caused, you scruffy little...' Jenny runs over, arms flailing as Kristen cowers and covers her face with her sleeves.

'Mum, stop,' screams Bob. 'She's just trying to help. Stop hitting her!' The policemen shuffle their feet and glance at each other as Bob tries to stand between Jenny and Kristen. Jenny catches Bob's cheek with her manicured nails. Bob barely flinches but a small drop of blood wells at the cut.

'Can somebody please just tell me what's happening?' implores Jenny, fishing a crumpled paper tissue out from her cardigan sleeve to wipe the blood away from Bob's cheek.

'Well, Bob and I went to the park yesterday,' stammers Kristen. 'We saw Andrew and his friends in the playground. They were having so much fun.' She pauses for a deep breath and tries to look Jenny in the eyes.

'The next thing we knew, this airship thing appeared from the sky and these weird creatures climbed out. Andrew and his mates got really excited and ran towards them. When they made contact, they simply vanished into thin air. We waited the whole evening for them to return but there was no sign. Are you sure Andrew is not at home?'

Jenny stares open-mouthed at Kristen. 'I had heard about your weird family, but always defended you against the playground gossips. Now I am beginning to think I should have listened to what they said. I don't understand a word that comes from your mouth.'

She turns back to Bob. 'Explain yourself.'

'Everything she says is true Mum. You know that TV programme that Andrew loved when he was little? In the Night Garden? It had a pink airship called the Pinky Ponk and little creatures called Haahoos? It looked like them. The music was playing, and everything. I still can't believe it but it's true!'

'I'm sick of your daydreaming, Bob. I told you what your teachers said at the last parents' evening, didn't I? This has to stop. It is too much. I can't even look at you or your dirty little friend. Was this all her idea? Did you come up with this pathetic story together?'

'Mrs Livesey, please....'

'I've heard enough from you. Get back to your goats and your mushrooms and whatever else you smoke up there. You, get back in here,' spits Jenny, grabbing Bob roughly by the arm, spinning him round, and dragging him into the house. Glancing back, he mouths 'sorry' to Kristen, who shrugs and turns to go back up the hill.

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