Chapter 14

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Saturday afternoon.

All erroneous ideas, all poisonous weeds, all ghosts and monsters, must be subjected to criticism; in no circumstance should they be allowed to spread unchecked.

Saturday lunch was the most sombre Bob had ever had. They had never been quite the same since his Dad died, but this was the worst. He and his Mum just sat in silence, hunched over their chicken Kievs and chips. They were Andrew's favourite.

It had taken all morning before Jenny Livesey had calmed down enough to actually listen to Bob. She still didn't really believe him, but she didn't know what else to believe. 'But he can't just have disappeared, Bob. People don't just disappear. Life isn't like those silly computer games you keep playing. He's somewhere, I can feel it.'

'I hope so, Mum.'

'What was the name of that scruffy girl? Kirsten?'

'Kristen. I keep telling you, she really is trying to help. Can I go up to see her? We can at least come up with a plan for what to do.'

'I suppose so, but I want you back before it gets dark. I can't have another night like last night.'

As Bob slams the door behind him, three other doors are also closing across the town. Ten minutes later, Seamus, Anna and Dave all arrive at the door under the bridge at the same time, the mist swirling as before. They don't greet each other but file silently into the waiting area before sitting down on the chairs lined up against the wall. Again, the expressionless figures come in. As the tall one clears his throat to speak, Seamus, Anna and Dave all sink lower in their chairs, fear washing over them.

Just what had happened to them the last time they were here?

'Good afternoon,' booms the tall figure.' I trust you all slept well. Do any of you need to be reminded of what will happen should you not comply with our wishes?' Dolefully they shake their heads, avoiding his gaze. All they can remember are the horrific images projected into their minds. 'Good. I am glad we understand each other. We, of course, mean you no harm. If you continue to help us, we will honour the agreed terms.' With a flourish he picks up three brown jiffy bags, opening one to reveal a bundle of neat, crisp banknotes. 'Now, to work.'

Seamus, Anna and Dave move through the door to the Pinky Ponk's hangar. As Anna drags on her Upsy Daisy costume she catches Seamus watching her. Tears welling in his eyes, he quickly turns away and puts on the head of his Makka Pakka costume.

The three characters enter the Pinky Ponk and it floats away towards the industrial estate. The airship skims the flat roofs of the industrial units before drifting over some scrubland. Clacking sounds and loud shouts reach the characters' ears.

Down below is a gang of five teenage skateboarders, paying no attention to what is going on above. Some huddle together at the side of the ramp, others practise their jumps on the half-pipes.

At the flick of a switch, the Pinky Ponk's music begins to work its terrible magic. Gradually the teenagers' self-conscious scowls ease and turn into soft smiles. Lifting their eyes they see the Haahoos emerge from the Pinky Ponk's canopy and bounce towards them. Without thinking, they join hands and run up the skate ramp, leaping off the top to bounce on the Haahoos. But the moment the hoodied bodies touch them they vanish. A cloud of wispy soot-like particles drifts up and then dissipates.

As before, all is calm. The Pinky Ponk begins its slow ascent.

There is a loud crash and a thud, as Seamus leaps out of the Pinky Ponk onto the skate ramp. Heart pounding, he jumps onto one of the abandoned skateboards, thanking his lucky stars for muscle memory as he wends his way through the bleak industrial estate. He doesn't have time to process emotions, he just knows that he has to get away.

Still in full costume, he waves in fake cheer at a group of men hanging out by a burger van, armed with bacon rolls and polystyrene cups filled with strong tea. They stare open-mouthed at the vision on a skateboard.

From then on, the streets are empty. Nevertheless, Seamus is thankful for the anonymity that his costume provides.

He looks up to try to see beyond the portacabins and warehouses and sees the radio beacon high on the hill. Thinking back to his morning yoga he remembers the transmitter above his cottage. He leans left to steer the skateboard in that direction. As he kicks to speed up he sees the Pinky Ponk glide above him, with the furry faces of Igglepiggle and Upsy Daisy pressed up against the windows, returning on its pre-programmed route to the hangar.

Soon the roads end and Seamus flips up the skateboard and tucks it under his arm. Sweating in his costume he clambers up the hill towards the radio tower, passing sheep too busy munching grass to notice a six-foot children's character passing by.

He keeps to the edge of the path, where the trees offer some shelter. His heart is now pounding so hard that Seamus fears he will faint. He staggers into the woods and leans against a tree, trying to feel his connection to the Earth and solid ground. A few deep breaths and he continues on his way, lurching from one tree to the next, wincing at the sounds of cracking branches under his feet.

He can barely breathe but is too terrified to take his mask off so he struggles on. The light is fading by the time Seamus glimpses the welcome sight of the cottage. With every last scrap of energy he jogs the final steps. Shaking, he feels around for the key under the mat, his furry fingers getting in the way. He lets himself in, shuts and locks the door behind him, and slides to the floor. 

Dark Night of the SoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon