Chapter 21

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Dave stumbles into the bathroom and stares at his pallid face in the mirror. Splashing water onto his face, he tries to calm himself. Hands trembling he frantically scrolls through his apps and presses 'location', revealing a blinking red circle on a brown background.

'Pick up, pick up!' He shouts to himself as he calls Anna.

A prim voice answers the phone. 'Hello, Anna Walker speaking. Who's calling please?'

'Anna. They've got the boys. This is our chance.'

'Who is this? Dave?'

'Yes. Sorry. It's Dave. Anna, listen. They've kidnapped my boys but I know where they are. I still have the tracker on William's phone. We can go and sort them out. Let's go!'

'Slow down Dave. Who has kidnapped your boys and where are they?'

Dave takes a deep breath and sits at the desk. 'OK. The aliens. They called me a few minutes ago. We're supposed to meet them by the bridge in an hour. If we're not there they will kill William and Angus. But, I know where they are. There's a quarry just outside town. I could be there in twenty minutes.'

'Oh God Dave. I'm so sorry. Those poor, innocent boys. How will you get to the bridge on time? Why don't I drive to the bridge? I could put one of my old theatre props in the passenger seat to make them think that you are with me. You go straight to your boys, I will deal with the aliens. And Dave, take care. Those boys need you.'

'Thanks. I'll be there. Don't worry.'

Dave picks up his car keys and jumps in his Jag. He sees the world in slow motion now, aware of every breath and every movement. It's as if time has given him some extra moments to allow him to reach his boys.

He fits his phone into its holder and drives towards the red dot. As he turns onto the High Street, he hits a line of vehicles held up by temporary traffic lights. Frantically he reverses with juddering tyres. He will have to take the longer route.

The car creaks as he ascends the steep road to the quarry. He turns off down a gravel path, noting recent tyre tracks. Closing in on the red circle on his phone, he snaps the steering wheel back as he slides round the bend. At the screech of the wheels, the aliens spin around.

'I was expecting he might try this. Follow the plan,' says the tall alien, gesturing the other man towards the briefcase leaning against the face of the quarry.

In a flurry of gravel, Dave's car lurches to a stop. Grabbing his phone, he slams the door behind him and stomps over to the two aliens.

'You've fucked up, you two!' he snarls, holding his phone at arm's length ahead of him. 'I'm recording all of this. I've got a live video channel with over one million subscribers. Everything you say and do will be on there. So, are you going to tell me what this is all about, or are you just going to give me back my boys, and the £50k you owe me and fuck off to wherever you came from?'

'David, please, you must very carefully consider your actions. You have seen this quarry before, haven't you? And...' says the tall man, pointing in the direction of William and Angus.

A fuzzy image flits into Dave's head. His two boys lying in a quarry, their throats oozing blood. Still, it seems too unreal, like something he has seen in a cop drama from the 1980s. He pulls himself tall and continues to point his phone at the aliens.

He becomes aware of a figure approaching in his side vision and turns the phone around in a panic. 'I know what you're up to. You think you can talk me out of this and keep my money. Well, it is already being broadcast live. Whatever you do, the world will know.'

The shorter man walks in front of him before pausing to snap open the briefcase. Dave falters, not knowing what to film. He leaps over to the rock propping up his two boys.

The two boys are still paralysed but their eyes plead with their Dad to make it all stop. They have faith in him. He is their father, after all. Before Dave can say a word, the man appears in front of the boys. A glint, a swift arm movement and then he steps away to stand behind the tall man.

Still recording, Dave starts to shake. Blood pours from his boys' throats, their eyes frozen open in fear. The image exactly matches the scratchy one from his memory.

'David. All we demand is obedience. If you obey our wishes your remaining money will still be yours. As you see, we always fulfil our threats. And promises. Please hand your phone to me and we will meet at the bridge as arranged.' The tall man holds out his palm to Dave.

Dave can't turn his head to look at him. His eyes fixed on his sons, he gently closes his eyes and his head droops to his chest. He walks calmly over to them, their blood beginning to soak into the dust.

The shorter man wipes the blade of the knife, puts it back in the briefcase and grabs Dave's shoulder from behind. With a shrug, Dave turns and pushes him to the ground. Lifting William onto one shoulder he puffs his cheeks out and encircles his arm around Angus, pulling him around his waist.

'DAVID. Nothing can change what has happened. Think what that money can do for you, David. Obedience. Just for two more tasks. Obedience,' says the tall man standing in front of Dave's car.

Dave pushes him aside and gently places Angus in the back seat, kissing his hand and softly touching his lifeless forehead. He puts William beside him and slides himself into the driver's seat. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he turns the key. The Jag's engines whine to a crescendo before the wheels catch in the gravel and the car roars towards the quarry's edge. It sails through the air, as if seeking freedom.

In the silence, the tall man peers over to see Dave's mangled car far below. He shrugs and stoops to pick up Dave's mobile. He stares directly into the camera, a smile playing on his lips. "I hope you enjoyed the ride. The party is now over. Goodbye followers."

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