From the Bottom of my Heart

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Chapter 3 – From the Bottom of my Heart

        The sound of footsteps echoed in the large, empty room as I paced in front of the large door.

        I was still in the court room, but everyone else had cleared out, including Olena. She didn’t want to tell me what I had to do until it was absolutely necessary, and she had been fighting to give me more time.

        When I arrived at the debate and knew what I was supposed to do I refused to not take the responsibility. I knew I wasn’t ready, I’m sure everyone knew I wasn’t ready, but how do you feel ready to become queen, especially when you were raised as a simple peasant?

        Olena had ordered everyone out of the court room to give me space to think about what I was going to do, but we both knew the answer to it. I wouldn’t let these people down. If I was destined to become the Queen of the Dragons because of some prophecy given by the last Prophecy Dragon millennia ago, then I would. I would do everything in my power to help these people find the peace they deserved to have.

        Apparently a war was also prophesied to come during the time I was to ascend to the throne, and I had to lead the dragons into war. For this I would need all the help I could get and that meant I had to get the city on my side.

        As Shamir and Rian had said earlier, half of the Kingdom thought I wasn’t ready, along with Olena.

        How would I make them see that I was ready? More importantly, how would I become ready?

        “Olena, where is Shamir?” I had no idea where Olena was, but I knew she was close; I could still feel her.

        “He is with Rian. They flew to the East to give you more space to think. Shamir said you had a lot to think about, and he being here wouldn’t help you.

        I groaned. Of course he would do that. Of course he would distance himself from me. He didn’t like the rejection and he didn’t want to look at me any more than he had to. “Why would he do something like that? He knows he’s the only one that can answer all my questions about being the ruler of this place. I don’t know how long he did it, but he did so he knows a lot more than I do. Is there a way I can contact him without having to go out there and chase him down?

        There was a pause before Olena replied. “As Queen you will have a connection to all the dragon people, but until then there is no connection. As for contacting Shamir, there is a way. You and he have been connected since birth, just as you and I have. As the Rider of The White Dragon you shine with a light brighter than any other, but there has to be someone to offset that light. That is the job of the Rider of The Black Dragon, Shamir. You two have been joined by a power greater than us. You complete him just as he completes you. You are meant to be together, joined as one, for the rest of your lives. Shamir knows this and has accepted it. It is time for you to do the same.

        Was that why Shamir had proposed to me? Did he just want to make the joining easier for me to accept by proposing before I even knew about it? Did he only say those things because it was required of him?

        Pushing those thoughts aside, I dealt with the matter at hand. “Olena, how do I use the connection? I’ve never felt it and don’t know how to access it.

        There was another pause. I don’t know if she had read my thoughts about Shamir, but if she had then she knows what happened to me. ”That connection is for you to find on your own. It is there. It has always been there. Search for it as you would search for the connection between us. When you find that connection, you will be able to contact Shamir.

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