The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 2 – The truth comes out

        I didn’t know what to do. I had never thought he would ask me to marry him. I wasn’t ready to get married. I took a small step back, my hand slipping from his grasp. There was a flash of hurt in his eyes and I couldn’t stay here anymore. I really liked Shamir, but I didn’t know if I was ready to marry him.

        Would I lose the independence I tried so hard to gain? Would I lose my free spirit? Would I lose the freedom to do whatever I wanted? Could I live up to his expectations as a wife?

        I turned around and ran back the way we had come. Slipping through the curtain of leaves I felt like I was leaving my heart in that place, but I didn’t stop. I continued running until my lungs felt like they were bursting open and my legs were burning so bad I couldn’t take another step.

        I fell to the ground and leaned against a tree.

        “Olena, will you please come and get me? I’m in the forest, I don’t know where, but I am done training.” I couldn’t tell if Olena heard me, and I kind of hoped she didn’t. If she did then I’d have to explain what happened between Shamir and I, and I didn’t know if I was ready to talk about it. He had asked me to marry him and I ran away.

        He must think I hate him.

        I buried my face in my hands and I felt a warm drop of water on my fingers. As my mind registered I was crying the tears started to flow faster and I couldn’t seem to get them to stop.

        After a while I heard the distinctive sound of flapping wings and I relaxed. It was Olena’s familiar wing beat. She had heard me and now she was here, everything was going to be okay.

        Olena landed in the dense packed area of trees, it looked rather difficult, but she managed to land softly on the ground close to me.

        “What is the matter, child?” As much as I said I didn’t like her to call me child, I knew I really did. It made me feel like I had a loving mother taking care of me and that’s one of the only things I’ve ever really wanted. I had one at one time, but it didn’t last very long. Everything had changed.

        “I don’t want to talk about it right now. Please understand.” Though she was not using our mind link I didn’t want to hear how pathetic my voice would be if I talked aloud. With the voice in my mind I could at least control the emotions that seeped into it.

        Olena nodded and lay on the ground, giving me access to her back. I climbed on and sat between two of the larger spikes nearer to the front of her.

        I felt a tingling sensation flow over my skin and immediately knew that Olena had put the wind shield over me. We must be flying higher where it’s colder. We hardly got the time anymore to fly when we wanted, let alone just fly so high that no one could see us. It was a luxury I missed and I couldn’t wait to be in the air again.

        “Are you ready?” Olena asked and I said yes. I was more than ready. This is exactly what I have needed for a long time.

        As Olena stood on her two back feet I held tightly onto the spike in front of me. I wasn’t afraid of falling, but I didn’t want to lose my balance during the take off, that was one of the best parts of the flight. It was so exhilarating!

        Olena flapped her wings three times before she was out of the dense forest and soaring through the clouds. I felt the air around me get slightly colder, but I knew I had no fear of freezing up here. Olena would keep me safe no matter what.

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