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..... Oh? Hey your back! I've been waiting for you!

And to be honest I didn't know you would come back to see me again. And to be honest I would have thought you would leave me alone. But your back... Again. I mean really you don't have to come back here all the time, I'm fine being alone! I get used to it.

I thought of something today....you know how people have like different emotions? Some people look sad or depressed, some people look scary and threatening, some people look happy and charming. But deep down inside of them....there different.

I mean I don't think there is a happy person your world, everyone looks....sad. I've never ever seen one person who is happy, even the Rich one's or the poor ones.

But I've noticed some people.... How have been.....Suffering....they have....a tragic past, or they have been abandoned or even threatened like....shit...

But.... That one person....Who is always also by himself, who suffers in the past and that no one loves him..... He would make people smile instead.

The fact that, he did suffer so much but he is willing to help others, he would make them smile and even laugh....and maybe he would help himself too. Maybe he would learn something as well while he helps his friends.

Emotions on human kind are...very tragic, because I never seen anyone who's happy in there lives, I've always saw some people who would fight back and would suffer and would work hard....but...I think I learned something to this....

I've learned that....society.....is messed up....but....it's not that always messed up...It's sporadically beautiful.

.....yeah a bit dark a little huh?.....do you know the song "Great Pretender" by freddie mercury? That song is my favorite. You should listen to it. And I think the song is about......well pretending.

A song is about a person that pretends to be happy, but I'm deep inside his not, and he would always pretend that his friends or even family is still right beside him, but.....he's just pretending it, he would pretend that his smiling a lot and making people laugh...but again....his just pretending.

It hurts doesn't it? Pretending your fine, pretending your happy...but deep inside your soul....it isn't....it's like a lock and the key is broken, and there is no way to open it......the only way to unlocked it is to do it yourself, or even a friend to help you out.

.......heh I wish I have friends. I don't think I would have many friends in this void......hm?...you?....well where just two different people and you want to be my friend?.....sorry but I don't think that you would like me as a friend......I've broken many people's heart. And yes I do appreciate that you come here often.....and....thanks.....it makes me a little bit happy.

Well I think that's all I've learned today...you should get going now and read something else okay.



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