I want to be

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...... So.... Here ... again.....

Hm it's almost like a routine. You always come back here just to see me, it's weird but....I appreciate it.

....I've always had a dream where, I would be a song writer, And to be honest I've always dream of doing it, Making songs making people laugh and jamming on to the music..... But I can't..... For some reason my parents doesn't believe in me. They've always thought that I couldn't do it.

I mean I can play the ukulele, it's a simple and easy instrument, And yet.... They said it isn't enough. Heck I made songs on my own but no one seems to care. I want to sing on my room but my family would shut me up. Because of how noisy I was or how annoying it is. Maybe it's because they have work. Maybe it's because there talking to someone. But still it hurts me.

How dose it feel.... When you try something you want in your life only to be shut away. And they would Force you to do something else instead.

It hurts and it's unfair.

.... Like when you made something that's so amazing that you even impressed that to your friends........and soon enough they would make your work even worst.

It's like an insult.....Mocking you that you've done something great...Only they would break it into pieces.

You work hard for it...... they'll break it.

You gave all your heart to it.....They'll stab it

You gave all your love to it..... they'll rejected it.

All I'm saying is life is unfair, Heck I think you already know what it means. This world....is nothing but toxic. Even some people say that they will make a better place on this future....no... there won't be....there won't be a better future on your Earth.

.... because it will always...been the same.


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