A year has passed

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Gazing with head tilted up
Mesmerizing the stars filled sky
Wondering if I can recognise a constellation
If I give just one more try

All the flowers diminished
Which I adored in the day
Now there's just the silence
And my soul searching for a way

Thousands of thoughts troubling
My mind full of tides
But all I want to do
Is enjoy this summer ride...

"Aren't you asleep?" Called a voice.. my mother's voice to be specific. Breaking my trance of poetry which I hoped to complete but Alas can't help it. "Sleep you need to wake up early for school", she reminded me once more before exiting my room.

It's 2 at night, I'm lying on my bed, wondering... Just wondering. It's no doubt that I love poems. And I write one when I'm emotionally struck with a feeling I don't really like sharing with someone else and these past few days I feel so broken. It's been near an year and he hasn't spoken to me, not once. What went wrong?  Why it went wrong? Will he speak to me again? All these questions with absolutely no answers at all.

Things weren't like this. It was picture perfect and so is he. His dark brown eyes, the subtle hair cut same length on all the sides and like really..... really short hair with the colour black and such an enthusiastic person.

But it doesn't matter anymore. I'll wake up tomorrow and attend my classes and he won't even look in my direction the same he's been doing for a year now. For the sake of my mind I won't think about this anymore.

Please God, give me the strength to see past through this. I don't want to feel this miserable anymore.

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