It'll be fun (Chapter 19)

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"Come on, this party'll be fun!" Gisele says as she sits on the floor with Ben and Vivian.
"Eh, I don't know. I promised Jules I'd hang out with him today. I did almost die on him, ya know." I laugh a little.
"Oh sweetie, please come! You'll love it. And if you don't, I'll bring you back home, okay?" She promises.
I nod. Oh man, what am I getting myself into?
"Now go get in that little black dress!" She winks.
I jog up the stairs, and cut left in to my room.
My phone starts ringing as I get undressed.
"Hello, Mr. Edelman." I smirk.
"Greetings, Ms. Brady. How are you this fine evening?"
"Well, Gisele is wanting me to go to this party with her, which I don't want to do, but I know she'd do the same for me. I know you wanted to hang out today and I'm sorr-"
"No, don't worry about it, baby girl. Go have fun." He cuts me off.
"Are you sure?" I question.
"Yes, sweetheart." He smiles.
"You're the best boyfriend ever, shorty."
"I know I am. But go have fun, okay? I'll call Danny and Rob over and we'll eat pizza and play cards or something. Don't worry." He laughs.
"Okay. I love you." I whisper.
"I love you more. I'll talk to you later, Tay- Tay."
"Bye Jules."

"We'll be safe, yes. I love you." Gisele says as she kisses Tom.
"Alright, you guys be safe and have fun!" He says as we head towards the car.
I turn back and wave to him before opening the passenger door and getting in.
"This rain is pretty crazy." Gisele looks up at the sky as she starts the car, a Taylor Swift song lowly playing through the speakers from the local pop station.
"Julian always tells me that rain is just making way for a beautiful day tomorrow." I smile as we pull out of the driveway.
"I never knew Julian was so good with words." She giggles.
"Yeah, I know."
"He really loves you, ya know? Tom told me how upset and down he was about you being in the hospital. I don't think he left your bed except to use the bathroom." I smiled as she told me this.
"Hey, um, G that truck is kind of.." Was all I could get out before I felt the car being impacted, and us flipping into other lanes of traffic. I felt something happen in my ankle as the windshield cracked, sending glass shards everywhere. Blood poured from my forehead as I passed out.

A/n: ahh! I left y'all on a cliff- hanger again! But this is the last chapter of book one. I can't believe how popular it's gotten in this short amount of time. You guys are literally the best. But I plan on posting the first chapter of the second book in a couple days or so. I've also decided the name for it is, drum roll please....
Roller- Coaster Ride! Hope you guys are as excited for it as I am! Much love!- Maddie :)

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