Chapter Ⅰ

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Feet barely touching the grass, she slowly swung on the cherry red swing hanging beneath the tree which she had always sat beneath. She gazes at the open land and the shining sun, slightly blinding her eyes. As she shut her eyelids close, the water flow filling the slight silence, creating the happiness she has always felt when she is in the very position; with no worries and no doubts.

The grass tickled her feet as the wind passed by and flowed through her hair. But she knew deep within, that this happiness was going to come to an end, very, very soon.

She reached into the big pocket of her dress and grabbed one of her most precious items; a delicate wooden ring engraved with fine lines. Her dad had carved it for her from the wood of the same tree she was swinging under. Although she got it when she was only 4, it seems like she received this gift only yesterday.

It has already been 18 years since then.

She adored it so much because she received it on the only day she got to visit a small world outside of the usual village she lived in.

Slowly admiring every detail with her fingers, she got lost in her thoughts.

2 days. 2 more days and her life will be overwhelmed by a miserable change.

To others, it might be simple, but she will never forget the devastation she felt at that right moment when she got told the news.

"Y/n? Y/n!"

Her mother.

She quickly stuck the item back into her pocket.

Not again.

She knew what she wanted and decided to stay silent.

She managed to hear the footsteps on the soft grass approaching her.

"What do you do here all day? Why don't you spend the last few days with your family?"

It's not like I'm going far away or anything.

She thought to herself once again and just simply looked at her mom with a soft smile.

She didn't want to disappoint her parents in any way. Although, every once in a while she had convinced herself that they are the reason she will have to go through this misery.

The ones that are forcing her through this.

"Come on, dinner is ready."

She had lost her appetite for the past few days, but she stood up and followed her mom anyways.

"Isabelle was looking for you, I think she wants to show you something"

Isabelle. Belle. The only actual person she can trust; her only cousin.

Y/n's parents had adopted Belle at a young age when y/n's aunt and uncle died. She was a few years older than y/n, so when they adopted her, y/n was still a month-old baby.

Belle was always there for her. She was loyal and someone y/n could always trust.

She was the reason that y/n still had the tiniest bit of hope.

She had always shared her dreams of traveling around the world with Belle. But she knew she was stuck in this same old village.

Her parents, especially her mom, always lectured her on being a polite and kind woman, so she could get married, be a faithful wife, and the mother of her future children.

However, her mother's words would become reality in just a few days.

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