Chapter Ⅲ

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The day has arrived.

Her mom slowly brushing her hair and humming softly.

"Isn't this a happy day for you? You're going to have a husband and live your life"

Live my life? With no freedom?

This will never be a happy day for me. The days to follow will feel just as miserable and helpless as this.

"... y/n? y/n!!"

A sudden shake woke her up from her deep thoughts.


"Are you good, darling? You look pale."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," she replied shortly and gave her half a smile.

Belle could feel the fright and the disappointment in her eyes. Disappointment towards her parents. She was lifeless, barely having the will to live.

And she understood. Understood why she was feeling like this. With no way out, who wouldn't?

A few minutes past and y/n was already on her way to the church. The weather was calm but the darkness in the sky behind the building was only present in her eyes.

All she felt was the stress and devastation building upon her as she walked closer towards the narrow church entrance. Slight dizziness overtook her, but she still tried to walk straight with perfect posture and head up high. But it got more and more severe with every step she took as finally her vision was blurred. She didn't even realize the tears building up in her eyes. A sharp pain hit her head lasting for at least 7 seconds. She bent slightly forth and squinted her eyes shut, expressing the obvious gesture of pain. Her built-up tears fell down her rosy cheek as she let out a short noise full of hatred and pain. Her thoughts came back to her, the fear overwhelming her once again.




It stopped.

Something clicked.

Maybe a miracle.

An idea.

Not sure if she could make it out but she knew she had to try. Open the doors for freedom one more time.

"Wait! I made a gift for my husband! Well, soon-to-be husband but... I forgot it on the table. May I please go get it?"

Her mom's face softens, glad that her daughter has finally accepted her faith.

Please, I need one more chance.

Her dad was skeptical though. He could tell hints of lies in her sentences.

She was about to run off but got held back by her dad.

"I'll come with you", he exclaimed.

Belle was also skeptical but she knew what she had to do.

"Don't be ridiculous. Don't you think she is mature enough to go get an item? She's getting married for goodness sake"

Belle responded rather softly.

Y/n smiled. Smiled with all her trust and gratefulness. Everything left in her was for Belle to thank. She couldn't have imagined it without her. Not only this time but also during all situations leading up to this point.  

Thank you. I love you.

Her dad slowly let go of her wrist.

"Hm... Well, be quick. The ceremony is about to start in a few."

And the moment she was out of sight, she ran.

Ran as if her life depended on it because, for her, it really did. Her only chance of escaping depended on this very moment.

She ran towards the same place she had been 2 days ago thinking about this day.

She wouldn't have known back then that she would make this choice, but she had to try.

One last time.

She slowly heard the water again and finally saw it right in front of her.

While heavily panting, she crashed on her knees and grasped the grass.


Please answer, I need your help.

Just this once.

Silence filled the air and just some wind brushed past her ear. She could also feel her chest slowing down from the pants.

She dug her nails deeper into the earth, as tears formed.

"Please answer me! I DONT WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS"

I don't want this.

"I will give you everything left for me to offer! JUST GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE!"

I just want any kind of miracle to happen. I'll do anything for this one chance.

She slightly pulled the grass, her finger nails full of dirt. It began to rain slightly and her hair started getting wet, but she wouldn't move. She kept repeating affirmations and told herself that it's possible.

Maybe I shouldn't be desperate.

Her tears streamed down her face and her hands slowly started to let go of the grass.

The earth only touching her palm.

She tried to be calm and slow her breath. Her tears mingled with the falling raining and she heard the soft drops splatter across the river.

"Y/N! Where are you? Y/N! COME BACK!"

She heard her dad shout from the distant.

But that didn't stop her. Her only chance of getting away was not gonna be stopped from her dad. Not again. She was determined and knew what she wanted, and maybe just a little bit more time and she would make it.


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