Chapter Ⅱ

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In only 2 days she would have to get married to Richard - the son of y/n's parent's friend.

He was much older and already had kids; the main reason why she would have to marry this guy.

His wife had died tragically and he has been looking for a wife to look after his children.

Rumors had spread around quickly but y/n would've never thought that she would be the one to fall down the dark hole of misery.

Not only that, but she knew what kind of person Richard was. Purely narcissistic and a controlling bastard. He had done a few things in the past that probably should have alerted y/n's parents on his mischief, but I guess they never caught onto the red flags. Y/n even secretly believes that the wife didn't actually die tragically, but was rather murdered, or set up, by her husband. He always had eyes for y/n so killing his own wife must have been the only solution to get closer to her.

Y/n's parents obviously feeling bad for what this man had gone through, gladly offered their own daughter to his hands, giving him exactly what he wanted. 

The only person they should feel bad for is his dead wife. 

The announcement of this marriage left y/n in dreadful puddles of distress and suffering.

She wanted to explore the world and see what's beyond the borders of this village. See what life has to offer and all the things she could do if only she had freedom.

But her parents crushed her dreams with just that simple sentence. She wouldn't even have a single chance to go and run for her dreams if she became his wife.

"We thought long about this and we decided it would be best for you to marry Richard"

... best for you to marry Richard

... marry Richard.


The words keep haunting her as she felt goosebumps around her arms, her hairs spiking into little bumps.

Her body tensed up thinking about how she is forced to give her whole life and future away just to dedicate her life to a man and his children.


Ever since that day she has been praying. Praying to the gods.

Belle was the first one to tell her about this. Well to be fair, y/n was curious and wanted to know more.

She had seen Belle pray and she wanted to know how it works. She has been taking advice from her since and kept praying every day for some miracle to happen. For her parents to stop her from marrying Richard.

But till now, nothing happened. 2 days left and still, nothing has happened. She lost hope several times but believed that she should just be patient. Trust the gods. Wait for their response.

Sooner or later they would answer before the terrible day has arrived... right?

One thing Belle has always emphasized was:

"Never pray to the gods that answer after the dark"

Although not knowing why or what the dangers of the actions would cause, y/n has been careful of course.

However, with the amount of times she had gone through thousands of failed attempts to contact the gods at day, praying to the gods that answered after the dark had run through her mind a few times.

Though she wouldn't dare to do such thing.

Other than that, she had also sacrificed some of her most beloved items, such as her leather journal or her wooden pencil.

They didn't seem like much but y/n treasured them a lot.

But nothing has worked.

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