Chapter Ⅳ

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Minutes passed and she continued to lay on the now wet ground, the mud getting all of her dress and the rain making it slightly transparent.

It was a bit before sunset when she was next to her parents but now, the sun had already disappeared as she was still sitting there, praying her heart out.

Before she even had the idea of what was happening, she had already started praying after the dark.

Her eyelids were still shut. Deep in desperation, she didn't realize the change in color of the sky.

Her dad's shouting had also stopped.

I'll sacrifice my last piece of hope... Please answer.


As the last few words left her mouth, deep black darkness surrounded her and her voice tightened.

Her eyes were quick to open. The tears left a thin red trace and caused her face to slightly swell up.


It seemed more of a whisper, she couldn't quite hear her own voice.

"HELLO?", she yelled, her echo answer her back and filling the silence, but fading away.

"You don't need to kneel", a loud voice caused a flinch. "Let us see you on your feet"

Y/n quickly stood up and realized how her dress wasn't wet anymore. Neither were her palms covered in mud. Her hair wasn't stuck to her face anymore and she felt her dry face with her hands.

It is then when she realizes that she has made a huge mistake. Her face went pale as realization hit her.

She has prayed to the gods she was specifically warned against.

"y/n... y/n?"

For a moment she believed it was her mother's soothing voice calling out for her, but something about it seemed oddly off. She lacked trust and felt as if she were betrayed.

The voice was only part of her imagination.

Suddenly she remembers the state she was in just a quarter of an hour before.

The wedding. Being a wife. Richard.

She looked around but nothing surrounded her. It was as if she were trapped in a void.

"Never pray to the gods that answer after the dark"

A voice echoed once again, but she felt it coming closer and closer as soon it was as if Belle was whispering it in her ear. As if she were right next to her.

... gods that answer after the dark...

Part of her told her to run, run far away. But most of her wanted to stay and see what these gods had to offer.

She prayed and prayed for days, weeks, and months but none of the "good" gods answered her. If this is her last chance, then it is the only shot she has left to lose.

"What are you?", she tried to yell but all was left was a medium volume tone leaving her lips.

"That depends on what you believe... Am I the devil (devil) or perhaps a god (god)? Or maybe a monster... or just the dark (dark, dark)"

The voice echoed along and it sounded like a creepy melody, tingling up her spine.

"Or am I this?"

A figure emerged from the darkness around her, and a cloud of shadowy dust molded this perfect figure.

She stared at it for 8 seconds, analyzing every feature. His perfect jaw leading to his structured face. Deep brown hair matching his brown doe eyes. She could see the sparkles in them, the deepness and for once, a future.

Finally, she recognized what it, or who he, was.

It is that very person she had always dreamed about. She sketched this figure in her journal, which she had tried to sacrifice to the other gods.

No matter how many times she tried to draw other things, she always came back to that image of perfection.

It was this perfect being she fantasized about. Her dreams occupied with him.

It's the stranger.

Her stranger.

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