What I think they smell like lmaoo

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Benny: He probably smells like grass. But in a good way like he smells clean.

Bertram: Well I feel like his mom probably smokes so he might smell like smoke but not too strong.

Squints: Axe. Nothing else to be said he's THAT kid in middle school.

Yeah Yeah: He probably smells like a nice cologne and a little bit of leather.

Kenny: He might smell like apples?? Idk bahah

Ham: He smells like beef. Nah I'm kidding💀 He might smell like sweet tobacco.

Smalls: He smells like paper. Or books but same thing.

Timmy/Tommy: He smells nice. Probably a natural scent same w Tommy.

A/n: it's pretty short I'm sorry but I'll try to update more.🧍🏼‍♀️

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