Chapter 6

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Scott gave Allison one last, yearning look before he left the building and joined Stiles outside.

“She doesn’t know much at all,” Scott said before Stiles could ask his question. “Nobody here seems to.”

 Stiles nodded. “Yeah. You’re right. Just like the fact that no one except Chuck, Newt and Alby know about you. Everyone just kinda dispersed after Allison was brought into the Homestead. I haven’t even seen Chuck today.”

“You haven’t?” Scott asked, surprised. “When you went on your walk, I sent him in your direction. He never caught up to you?”

 Stiles looked at him, puzzled. “No, I never saw him. He wouldn’t just run off like that, would he?” Stiles murmured. Scott looked around the Glade, trying to spot their curly-haired companion.

“Well, there’s nowhere he would go, right? He’s gotta be somewhere in the Glade. He’s too smart to go into the Maze,” Scott pointed out. Stiles nodded, also looking around.

“Yeah. Yeah, right. So, uh, don’t panic, we’ll find him, right? You start asking around the North and East doors to see if anyone saw him, and I’ll ask around the South and West doors. Meet back at the Box,” Stiles decided. Scott agreed and headed towards the North door.

 Nobody had seen Chuck all morning. Even Frypan said he’d missed lunch; Chuck never missed lunch. Scott and Stiles met at the Box like they’d planned and exchanged the same results: no twelve year old.

“Well, where could he be? You don’t think he’s hiding, do you?” Stiles asked, genuinely concerned. Scott shrugged.

“What would he be hiding from?” Stiles just stared at Scott and gave him a ‘Really, Scott?’ look. “You think he’s hiding from me?”

“I don’t know, okay? But can you work your magic and find him? Use your nose or something?” Stiles pleaded.

“Stiles, the hearing comes easier to me than scent. You know how I feel about ‘testing myself’,” Scott pointed out. Stiles rolled his eyes.

“This isn’t a test, Scott! Nobody knows where he is! Please, just try.” Scott sighed and looked around him one more time.

“Fine,” he finally agreed. “But I don’t know his scent. I need something with his scent on it.”

 Stiles paused to think. “You could use his sleeping bag, right? He was just in it last night,” he suggested.

“Yeah, that’ll work. Just… bring it to me. I’ll wait by the East Door, so we’re not in the open. I don’t want Newt and Alby getting involved.”

 Stiles nodded. “Good call. I’ll be quick,” he called over his shoulder as he ran towards the sleeping area. Scott headed over to the East Door like he’d promised, looking for Chuck the whole time. All he could smell were crops and manure - he needed something to focus on.

 About fifteen minutes later, Stiles met Scott at the East Door with a hastily stitched together sleeping bag. He handed it to Scott, who sniffed it reluctantly.

“I think I got it,” he said, more to himself. He immediately started walking Southwest, towards the Deadheads.

“Wait, Scott, are you sure you’ve got his scent? Chuck told me he hates the Deadheads. They creep him out,” Stiles said, looking doubtful.

“I’m sure,” Scott muttered. Once they reached the Deadheads, Scott stopped and began to sniff rapidly, his face displaying confusion.

“Somebody else was here,” he decided. “Somebody who wasn’t a Glader. Somebody like me.” Before Scott could move forward again, Stiles grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

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