Chapter 10

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**Oh my god I'm so sorry it's been like 1000 years since I updated this. I'm just not in the right mindset to write this right now but I'm trying, I've been trying, I'm so sorry! :( Sorry this is so short, but it's all I have right now and I feel really bad. Ohmygodimsosorry**

Scott kept the bag with him and continued on. He began to hear quiet sniffling, like someone was trying to stop crying. The sound bounced off the walls of the maze, making it difficult for Scott to pinpoint where it was coming from.

"Is anyone out there?" he called. The sniffling stopped, and he heard someone shuffle around.

A girl then appeared, peeking out from one of the walls. Makeup had streamed down her face thanks to her tears, and her strawberry-blonde hair was a mess.

"Get me out of here," she pleaded. "I don't know where I am. Please, get me out of here."

Her voice was weak. She had been crying for awhile, and seeing another person had filled her with relief. She wasn't alone.

"I'll get you out of here," Scott promised. "I'm Scott."

The girl forced a weak smile and began to walk beside him as he lead her towards the Glade. "I'm Lydia. Where are we? I can't remember anything except my name," she told him.

"Some weird place. This area is called the Maze. The safe area is called the Glade, but I'm not so welcome there right now."

"Why not?" Lydia asked.

"I got into a fight with some of the others," Scott said, pausing for a moment. "Maybe they'll trust me more if I help you get to them. There's another girl in the Glade named Allison. They'll probably have you spend time with her."

"Did you say her name is Allison? That sounds oddly familiar. Is her hair black?" Lydia asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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