Chapter 7

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 Stiles hung back a few feet with Chuck as Scott led Derek back to meet Alby. Chuck was being completely unresponsive, keeping his eyes on Derek and Scott the whole time. Stiles didn’t understand why - they showed him what Scott was in such a gentle manner. Maybe Derek was right; maybe it wasn’t a good idea to show the Gladers in the first place.

 As soon as they left the cover of the Deadheads, shouts of surprise and fear could be heard throughout the Glade. Alby ran out of the Homestead, followed by Newt and two of the Med-jacks. Seemingly all at once, Scott’s little party was surrounded by Gladers.

“Who’s this shank?” Newt asked. “What have ya gotten yerself into this time?”

 Alby nodded. “Who are you?”


 Alby waited for Derek to say more, but he was silent. Scott stepped forward.

“We found him in the woods when we were looking for Chuck,” Scott explained. “He doesn’t know how he got here, either.”

“Did this mysterious arrival appear in your dreams, too?” Alby asked sarcastically. Stiles waved his hand.

“Actually, yes, he was in mine,” Stiles said, but when no one said anything, he backed down.

 Newt had a weird communication-through-eyes moment with Alby before he grabbed Derek’s shoulder and walked him to the Slammer.

“Why are you putting him in there? You didn’t put Allison in there,” Scott pointed out. Alby’s gaze focused on him with a sort of hostile vibe.

“The girl couldn’t do much harm. This shank looks tough, like he could do some damage.” Alby turned around to face the group of Gladers. “Get back to work! We’re wastin’ daylight!”

 The Gladers erupted into a fit of chatter and whispers as they dispersed into their respective groups. Alby returned his attention to Scott, but not before sending Chuck on his way.

“I need you to tell me the truth and nothing else: is he of your kind?” Alby asked, stretching out the last five words.

“Are you going to ask him that every time someone shows up? How the Hell would he even know?” Stiles butted in.

“I wasn’t asking you.”

 Scott shook his head. “Stiles is right. There’s no way for me to even tell. I only knew with Allison because… well, I mean, it’s kind of hard to explain. I remember her, though.”

 Of course, that wasn’t true. Werewolves had their own smell - it differed slightly between individuals as far as he could tell, but then again, Derek is the only other werewolf he’d encountered.

“You better be telling the truth,” Alby warned. “Or I’ll have both you and Stiles spend a night in the Maze.” Then he stalked off back towards the Homestead. Scott ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, feeling defeated.

“Sorry about earlier,” he said. “You know, the whole… trying to kill you thing.” Stiles shrugged.

“How did it work? I mean, like, did he speak to you in werewolf language to tell you to stop or something?”

 Scott shook his head. “No, not really. He just emphasized his position,” Scott explained.

“As Alpha?” Stiles asked. He walked over to a tree and sat down against it. Scott followed him.

“Well, yeah. You don’t think he’ll try and break out, do you?” Scott added. Stiles shook his head.

“Nah. He said he didn’t want anyone to know he’s a creature of the night like you. If he escaped, it would draw some attention, don’t you think?”

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