Chapter 8

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Omg I haven't updated this in a month! I have a ton written on Google Drive, I just forget to copy and paste. And wow, 200+ reads? Either someone keeps refreshing a page or some people actually tolerate my writing.. anyways ilysm don't think I will ever forget about this, it's just at the back of my mind as of late. c:


Scott didn’t know why he had to see her. Maybe he needed to protect her; from what, he wasn’t sure. Maybe from himself.

 Nobody stopped him as he entered the Homestead and rushed up the stairs. He followed Allison’s scent to the first door on the left. Allison was standing at the window, staring off into the Glade.

“Allison?” Scott asked. Allison glanced at him and then looked back out the window.

“They won’t tell me anything. They won’t tell me where we are, or- or how I got here, or even who you are. If you’ve come to interrogate me, too, just go. Don’t waste your time.”

“I came here to see you,” Scott insisted. He closed the door and took a step towards her. “How much do you actually know about me?”

 Allison fell silent. She was thinking, maybe searching her mind for flashbacks or memories. After a few minutes, she asked, “What are you?”

“I think I was your boyfriend.”

“I think so, too. But you’re not like the rest of these boys; there was something different about you, I can’t remember exactly what. I-it’s like my mind is a book, but most of the pages have been torn out.”

 Scott breathed in her scent and was greeted by flashing images. They were happy, sneaking off somewhere - she ran into a bus and told him to come inside - two cars trapped him - she saw him - the real him -

“Scott?” Allison asked. Scott came back to reality and looked around, confused.

“I - I gotta go,” he said. Scott opened the door and ran down the stairs, pushing past Alby and some Gladers. He ignored their demands for him to stop and kept running. Once he was out of the Homestead, he started towards the bathroom, his steps faltering.

 Scott stumbled into the bathroom and leaned over the sink, letting his head fall. When he looked into the shattered mirror above the sink, his eyes were flashing, rapidly changing from brown to golden back and forth. He gripped the sink and tried to fight the out-of-the-blue shift. Was it because he wasn’t ready for the images he saw in Allison’s presence?


 Stiles appeared in the mirror behind Scott holding a broom, his face portraying a perfectly balanced mix of interest and concern.

“Go,” Scott whispered. He could feel his skin stretching, even though he was doing his best to fight it.

“What happened? Oh my God, are you shifting? Now? Why?” Stiles’s questions messed with Scott’s focus.

“You need to go,” Scott told him.

“But I can help -”

“Just go!” Scott roared. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes now steadily golden. “Wh-what’s happening to me?”

“It’s the full moon,” Stiles told him. Scott turned on Stiles, and even though he didn’t mean to look threatening, he sort of scared Stiles.

“What? You knew it was a full moon and didn’t tell me?”

“I was going to this morning, but you were gone! You know, trying to attack Derek!”

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