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Theme Song -
Bad Temper by Skitz Kraven

"Oh, uhm.. Valerie but most people call me Val."
Valerie Reins

"Well, nineteen.. Almost twenty though!"

"That's.. That's personal..
No, no! I'm not telling them!"

"I.. don't really know how to respond to that."
All over the place, her bpd makes it hard to stick to one thing. manic at some points, depressed on others. She sort of has a personality she chooses depending on what friends she's with.

"W-Wait.. you can see me, right?"

 you can see me, right?"

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Likes: "Oh! Good question! Cats, uhm

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"Oh! Good question! Cats, uhm..
Shut up!"
-Stuffed animals
-flowers (dandelions/sunflowers)
-her knife

"I dunno. Rude people? Ones who like hate others for no reason."
Getting close to people

"I like to draw!"
Drawing - coping mechanism she does instead of hurting herself
Nicotine feign (vapes w/ a mod)

"That- That's a joke, right?"

-Always carries a knife
-Favourite color is yellow
-Normally seen with drawings on their arms (with sharpie) for coping
-Gets upset over the littlest things
-Cannot express emotions very well
-Bad anger issues - known to throw things and hurt others, can get pretty violent
-Brother "abandoned" (moved out) her when she was younger, shortly after their parents, so she doesn't really trust anyone. After that, she stuck to herself. -Due to this, she has a case similar to schizophrenia - seeing things/people that aren't there. She can have full blown conversations with these "people."

Scenario One:
Recently, Valerie started acting different. Like she, turned into a different person - started talking to walls and such. But people talk to themselves all the time? Right?
Apparently, seeing someone (your oc) she thought she knew - in town - triggered a part of her brain.
This was her "conversation":
Val - "Wait, Jackson, you're wrong."
Val - "I would've known if he was in town, right?"
Val - "It could've just been.. someone else with (h/c) hair, right?"

The female was determined to find this.. (h/c) individual.

^You can choose if your oc knows Val or not. And we can make something up if she does know them.

Scenario Two:
Make one up

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