Chapter 5: An End And A Start.

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A slight tint on his cheeks.

I guess having friends wouldn't be so bad, maybe I can learn to be more open to people. As gym class dragged on, we  were then left with thirty minutes to ourselves, Ed did some funny things like jokes and stunts. I would then try to make conversation with the other two, for the most Sarah and Jimmy were more into the in things never the old.

The rest of my classes zoomed by and I had memorized who was in them, from the small group of people I know. Edd was only in six of my classes, first, second, third, sixth, seventh and eighth period. Lily was in four, Ed was in five, Sarah and Jimmy were in three, and my cousin, Rolf, in all eight.

Now that I think about it Eddy was also in all of my classes, and of all the people I've met, he  seem very fond of me. My train of thought was derailed as I came to face my locker, the inside of it is barren which makes it look very depressing, I put in the textbooks I won't  be needing tomorrow. Just as I put in the last textbook, a hand comes down on my locker door; I followed the arm up to its person and was met with deep brown eyes and equally deep frown.

"We need to talk." They said, two more people coming from behind and standing at either side of the person in question. "Is there something I can help you with?"

|3rd person POV|      ┌──═━┈━═──┐

Four girls were seated in a small booth at a diner, waiting on the waitress to bring out their food. There was Jessica and across from her were the three girls from school; Lee, a red head, Marie, a girl with blue hair, and May, a blonde.

Marie, the girl who confronted Jessica, wore a black and red sleeved shirt with moss green cargo pants. Lee was to her right, she has a white blouse with red dots and blue jean bell bottoms. May sat next to Jess on her left, sporting a light grey shirt, red shorts and yellow socks with red sneakers. They are the Kanker sisters and seemed to have a reputation at school.

"So what would you like to talk to me about?" Jessica inquired about earlier, "Right, look I'm going to be blunt about it." Marie starts as she stares directly at the girl across from her

There was a small pause before the question was shot, "Are you and Double-Dee a thing?"

More silence followed as the Bluenette didn't know what the other meant. Their food was placed on the table, ready to be eaten. "What do you mean by that?" She asked genuinely.

All three sisters looked to one another, "Nah, it doesn't matter if ya don't know. So tell us about yourself." Lee started with May following, "Yeah, I want to know more about Russia. Is it nice there? Do you get to play in the snow all day? Do you live in an igloo?"

Jessica was confused by the blonde's inquiries about her home land. "Well it's not always snowing there and I lived in a normal house. Russia is nice between May and September, I would recommend visiting during that time."

That is how Jessica spent her time at the diner, answering May's questions and talking with Lee. Marie would say something here and there, but stayed quiet through most of the conversation.

Jessica looked at her watch and gathered her belongings, "Well I should be getting home, it was nice talking to you three." Lee and May said their goodbyes while Marie waved the girl off

"So, did you get what you wanted Marie?" Lee said, watching May eat her fries happily. "Yeah, I guess. She wasn't what I thought she was so that's good."

|Marie's POV|    *✧・゚: *✧・゚:

That girl Jessica wasn't as dumb as I thought she was, even just talking to her I knew she had more brain cells than May. Why she was hanging with Edd is still baffling though.

"Come on May, we'll get a take out box for you." Lee took May to the waitress, I stayed to clean up and throw away the garbage. Once May got her box we left and made our way home, to the trailer park.

The walk was quiet but nice, May was excitedly talking to Lee while Lee listened with a smile.

Yup, it's just the three of us. Don't need nobody else, well other than Ma but she's normally working so we don't see her much. "What do you want to watch when we get home, May?"
May turned with a big smile on her face, showing her buck teeth, "Can we watch SpongeBob!?"

Lee and I laughed at our youngest sister, as we both threw an arm across her shoulders. "Yeah we can watch SpongeBob, I'll even make ya some popcorn!" Lee insisted.

"We'll get your blanket and watch it all night long!" I said, knowing she'll fall asleep in three- maybe four episodes.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

We made it home and we were surprised to see our Ma' was home. She usually worked early and didn't come home till late, but here she was at the table.

Ma looked up from what she was doing and smiled a tired smile. "Welcome home girls, would you like to say hello to my new friend?"

We turned to look at the other woman, she had short light blonde hair with striking green eyes and wore a green blouse. Lee, May and I greeted our house guests and hugged our mom; we decided to let them talk and went to the couch to watch SpongeBob.

"Your daughters are very nice and beautiful young ladies. I hope my niece makes good friends like them." We could hear their conversation over the TV and listened to it.

Ma' laughed softly, "Thank you very much, I hope our girls can become friends." Ma' gave a hum as she thought something over. "What if they have a sleepover?"

Great, we have to deal with some prissy goody two shoes. The blonde woman thought it through, "Why not? I think Jessica would love a sleepover."

This caught our attention, Jessica? As in Jessica, the girl we ate with an hour ago? That Jessica?

Wow, what a small world.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 & 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖔𝖞Where stories live. Discover now