Chapter 2; Home Sweet Home

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'She got here yesterday and came from Russia, no way they know each other ' with that I continue on my way to Nazz's place. Can't help but wonder back to that thought.


Time before truck arrives: 0 hr| 32 min| 29 sec|

' alright, that's the last item put away, the truck should be here in a few. ' so now I have food, the house is clean and the flower bed is all planned out. Should I repaint the walls, it look like it's chipping, it would be better than this faded yellow.

°Knock knock°

Who could that be? Walking to the front I answer the door. Oh, "Hello Miss Jessica, have you eaten yet?." Right, Miss Anderson said she'd be looking after me. "No, but I will soon, I just got back from the grocery store not to long ago. "

Time before truck arrives: 0 hr| 25 min| 34 sec|

Miss Anderson said that she's staying in the trailer park, over breakfast we talked, I would have to go every end of the week to check in with her. There was another knock on the door, Miss Anderson moved to open it and from what I could hear it was for me. "Are you Jessica Nilson? If so sign here please." The truck was finally here. After signing I could at last sleep on a bed.

Time before truck arrives: 0 hr| 0 min| 0 sec|

With the help of Miss Anderson, I was able to get everything done by 11:30am. My bedroom is a little gloomy with all the chipped paint, so I will end up painting the house after all. The living room has all it's cushions and furniture. The kitchen has light shining in through the curtains and can clearly see the backyard through the clean windows.

Ascending up to the second floor, the hall is clean and a little table with an empty vase sits on the right of the stair case. On the right was my work room, I would mostly be doing homework here. Walking out you'd see the bathroom and to the far left is my room. In here is just my bed, vanity and dresser.

Night has fallen and my bed awaits, I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth, changing into my pajamas and get under the covers. I knock out like a light, my sleep was the best I've slept since yesterday. The next morning is a Sunday and another knock is heard from downstairs, I must be popular... That was sarcastic.  Moving out of bed I put my slippers on and head down, "I'm coming, Miss Anderson must have left something here." I mumbled the last bit as I opened the door. Oh.

" Hey there neighbor! " It was Kevin, how did he know where my house was. "Hello.." why is he here, it's to early for this." I was wondering if you were enrolled into Peach Creek? " Oh right, I'm pretty sure father did, it is the only highschool around here.

"Yes, I'm positive that I am, would you like to come in?" " No thanks, I was on my way to Nazz's place till I saw a moving truck, just came to say hi. " With that he leaves with a wave, I too wave him off till he's gone. I close the door and head to the living room phone, I dial Miss Anderson and asked if the school had a uniform.

"No Miss, they don't." Well that's good, I guess. "Thank you, that's all, goodbye." I hung up and walked back up to the bathroom, might as well get ready. 'So I don't have to worry about uniforms- wait.. when does it start.. ' putting on my shoes and jacket I go out to find Kevin.

Kevin said something about a person called Nazz, which is fine if only I knew who that was. Walking down the sidewalk I see two boys and girl on the round curve of the cul-de-sac. The tallest of the three was a boy wearing a red striped shirt under a green jacket, an orange haired girl with a pink tank top and blue jeans, lastly a small boy who wore a baby blue sweater paired with white pants.

I walk closer hopeing to ask them about Nazz, as I continue on the tall boy turns in my direction. Having no time to react the boy picks me up and yells, "Cat!!" Both startled and confused, I say nothing. "Ed, you idiot, put her down!!!" The girl yells at the boy, now known as Ed. "Ok Sarah." I'm then released.

"Uhm thank you, but would any of you know wear Nazz is?" Sarah looked a bit irritated but answers my question anyways. "Nazz lives in the house right there." She points at a periwinkle colored house, " Thank you, oh and my name is Jessica not cat." I say as I look up at Ed.

Walking up to the door I I knock three times, as I wait for an answer I look around and spot a short boy come out of a house to my right. I had no more time to observe him because the door finally opened, "Jessica? What are you doing here?" "Oh um I needed to ask you something about school. " I then proceeded to tell him about the school schedule. " Thank you again Kevin, I think you've been the most helpful person I've met here so far. " I wave him goodbye.

|Eddy's POV|
I walked out of Ed's house, ready to leave and go home, when a girl with blue hair knocked on Nazz's door. ' is she new? Never seen her round here-
She looks familiar, where do I recognize her from? '


Pulling out my phone I see a text from my mom, she wants me home, looking back she's still standing there talking to Kevin. "Hey Ed I'm leaving now!" I start walking not really looking for a reply.

She's really familiar.

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