Chapter 4: My tour guide

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It's not surprising at all... atychiphobia.

Wow she's cute... And small. "Hi there." She looks down right ready to cry, does she cry easily? But why's she crying she didn't do anything, is it this guy, his face would make any kid cry.

"I'm sorry I hurt you! I didn't know anyone was behind the door." Hurt? Me? I don't think the door was anywhere near me with how fast Edd caught me. " You don't have to apologise, she didn't get hurt."

" Oh, a-are you sure?" I nod, she doesn't seem to be very confident... looking from the room number to my schedule I noticed it was my first period. "Edd this is our class let's go, you too." I grab the girls hand and we go to sit. Entering really didn't matter, I was too busy finding two open seats for us. In the middle row section by the window are two empty seats, perfect, making our way there I sit down and pat the desk by me.

"Um I'll go get my things." ... I smack myself, of course she already had a seat before I came in. Glancing in front of me I saw Edd with a stupid grin on his face. I stuck my tongue out, once she came back I introduced myself properly, "sorry about earlier, my name is Jessica Nilson but just call me Jess. "

" My name is Lily Burns, I'm really sorry about that I didn't know you were back there. " I give her a reassuring smile and wave it off, " Don't worry about it really, no one got hurt."

"Alright class, settle down we'll be starting soon. " As the teacher walks in the whole class seems a bit exaggerated with distaste. The class dragged on the bell soon fallowed, seeming a lot shorter than it really was. "Hey Lily do you think you could show me to my next class?" At that last word a thought hit me, she might not have my class. " Oh um what's your next class? I have chemistry." Looking down at my paper I see that I have gym next.

" That would be outside princess." Turning I see the oh so lovely Edd. " You have it with me, we can drop of your little friend if you want. " I nod and start to walk ahead with Lily, Edd trotting silently behind us. Wonder what is going on inside his head?

|Lily's POV|
As I say and wave good bye to Jess and Edd, I turn to enter my next class, something stops my hand an inch from the door. ' what if they don't like me or think I'm boring and uninteresting, what if I make a bad impression and they all hate me, what if- '

My thoughts were cut short when I feel a hand on my shoulder, leading my eyes up the hand, the person I'm met with was my older brother Kevin. "Lilian? What are you doing, come on." He says as he takes my hand and proceeds to walk into class, everyone's eyes on me.

The classroom is arranged into two columns, on each one there are two desks that fit two students each. My brother is my partner and sits on the outside, to my right is Nazz and next to her is johnny.

As the rest of class went on, I start to daydream, daydreaming of a nice flowery field with a blanket and pillows all around. My safe space, peace of mind and the only place where I don't have to prove myself to anyone. I hope this year I'll be able to finally bring someone here, other than my brother and his friends.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to bring Jess here...

|Jess's POV|
"Dang Edd, you must really scare people with that look you're always giving huh? " I side glance him and notice him starring at me, I look straight." Well for your information I always have this look, and second, Lilian has never once had an ounce of confidence since I've known her. "

I almost stopped right there and then, but continued on. "What made you think I was referring to her, you're just scary in general. " At that he starts laughing at me, " So what princess? Are you saying that I scare you?" I stare at him for a moment then shake my head, a slight smile forming." No, you look more like a stray kitten, you don't scare me in the slightest."

Edd holds the gym door open for me and we then split to the changing rooms. All I brought was just a t-shirt and shorts paired with running shoes. Walking out I see three familiar faces, "What are you staring at, Princess." I stiffened a little, turning my head I see that stupid grin of his. "I was just thinking of going over and say hi."

" Well greetings don't form themselves, come on." Edd grabs my hand and basically drags me over to the trio of teens. The tall Ed always seems to know when I'm close, he's immediately by my side, yet again hugging me. "Hello cat! Are you Double Dee's buddy now?" "I can see there's no convincing you that that's not my name, huh?" Edd looks at me confused, "Hey princess, haven't you ever heard of a nickname before? I've literally been calling you one all of this morning. "

A nickname? I've never had genuine friends before, so I never had the experience with it. Could this be why father sent me to a public school? To make friends... But why.

"I've never had friends, let alone a nickname." They seemed surprised, is it weird to not have friends? It was a normal thing back in my old school, those who were 'friends' only cared about the benefits of being seen together.

"Well then I guess I can be your friend, only because you've never had any. " Sarah said while trying to keep a smile from turning up. " If you're a friend of Sarah's, then you're a friend of mine!" The smaller boy, Jimmy, says with a smile. " Cat can always count ed as a friend!" Ed finally puts me down as the smile on his face grows.

Looking over at EDD, as if asking if we're friends, he only returns a firm nod.

A slight tint on his cheeks.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 & 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕭𝖔𝖞Where stories live. Discover now