Chapter 7: The Gray Fairy

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"The Gray Fairy has been spotted nearby." A blonde girl gossips to her friend as they wash their clothes in the river.

"Oh my! That's so horrific." Her dark haired friend says becoming visibly uncomfortable.

"Apparently her hair is this horrid gray color but her face is the most beautiful anyone has ever seen." The blonde continues ignoring her friend's discomfort.

"I think she's a myth." The friend says trying to comfort herself.

"Oh my, you know she's real. Everyone knows." The blonde mocks her friend.

"I doubt she's actually real. She's just a bedtime monster not real, like the boogeyman." The other tries to justify that  The Gray Fairy is not real. Mostly to herself.

"That evil fairy is real." A playful voice says startling both girls. Both look around in horror.

"Who said that?" The blonde screams in anger.

"This isn't funny." The other cries in fear.

"Come out!" The blonde says even more furious now that her friend is is crying.

"Now now don't go hurting yourself for my attention." A beautiful girl with gray hair says coming out from behind a tree.

Both friends gasp in horror and run. The gray haired girl laughs and waves her hand lazily. Both girls freeze mid run.

"Where are you ladies off to in such a rush?" The Gray Fairy says mockingly.

"Please-" The dark haired girls tries to beg.

"Don't beg, it annoys me." The Gray Fairy says as she slowly walks towards them.

"What do you want?" The blonde grits out.

"Im just trying to figure out which one of you will be more compliant." The Gray Fairy says mockingly.

She appears in front of the blonde first she grabs her face with both hands and searches her memory. She's in a palace, running down a corridor. She's heading towards a giant window, to look out it and she sees a festival. The festival is in the village.

"Audrey!" She turns and the person calling her name is Aurora.

The Gray Fairy yanks herself outta of Audrey's head. Naturally Audrey passes out from then violation of her thoughts. The Gray Fairy goes to the other and goes into her mind. She's in a small cabin in the woods, she's making a healing potion. The Gray Fairy recognizes the ingredients.

"Jane! You must hurry the potion does not take that long especially when you need it quick during an emergency!" A voice The Gray Fairy recognizes. It's the famous Fairy Godmother. The Gray Fairy steps away from Jane and let's out a laugh.


Hours later Jane wakes up on a soft bed. She it takes her a moment to remember what happened. She needs to find Audrey, her mother gave her one task and she already messed up. She tries to sit up and can't. She realizes her hands are in magical chains, she's chained to the bed. She looks around, she's alone in a small room. The room is cold and only a few candles illuminate light. The candles are enchanted, Jane can tell immediately.

"Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream." Before The Gray Fairy even finishes singing Jane is unconscious again. "Works every time."

The Gray Fairy makes her way out of her bedroom and towards another smaller darker room. Sleeping on the floor is Audrey, The Gray Fairy crouches down and watches her sleep. She lets her mind wonder, thinking of all the ways she's going to torture sweet, sweet Audrey.

"You really are quiet beautiful." Audrey mumbles, still half asleep. "Your hair is not how people describe it, it's so shinny and nice."

Audrey turns over and goes back to sleep. The Gray Fairy blinks away her emotions and rushes out the room. She teleports by mistake and ends up a small stream. She growls in annoyance and angrily stomps out of the stream. She needs to stay focused on her original goal. Aurora's daughter can wait.

The Gray Fairy teleports into a crypt. She finds a woman praying in front of one of the caskets. It's the casket The Gray Fairy needs. The Gray Fairy weighs her options.

"You must be Belle." The Gray Fairy speaks softly trying not to scare her.

It doesn't work Belle still jumps in fear. Belle quietly studies The Gray Fairy, the realization of who this person is sends Belle into a panic. Belle starts to beg for The Gray Fairy to leave her be. The Gray Fairy laughs and the sound startles Belle.

"Relax, dear Belle. I'm not here to kill you. I'm here for something else." The Gray Fairy waves her hand and Belle passes out.

The Gray Fairy crouches down and pricks Belle's finger with a needle. She grabs a vial out of her pocket and collets Belle's blood in it. She than makes her way over to the casket and mumbles a spell under her breath making the casket disappear. She takes one last look at Belle and also disappears.

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